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It's a Saturday and I decided to hangout with Chloe today since the boys said they'd be playing video games at Gareth's place.

Nothing much has happened during the weekdays actually, except for me and Bigi being always together. We're still working out on that 'finding out about my feelings thing' although we don't dig much deeper to the topic. Let's just say that for now, we're pretty much enjoying the fact that I like him. At first, I thought there would be awkwardness between the two of us but there wasn't any. We still hangout with each other and our friends obviously push us to be together all the time. Chloe, Candace and Felicity even ditched me once so Bigi could be the one taking me home. Great friends right?

I don't have anything against feeling this way for Bigi. He's a great guy. A little too quiet but he always listen whenever someone wants to open up something to him, even if it's the littles things and the silliest things. He's up whenever we do group things but he's never the social butterfly and we always have to drag him. Anyone can easily fall for a guy like him. But he's not the problem that has been holding the two of us back, I am.

"So you mean, you're finally giving him a chance?" Chloe asked while sipping from her coffee. I nodded as response to her.

I don't see a reason why I shouldn't give the guy a chance. Bigi even asked my dad properly if he could take me out on a date and my dad agreed. I could remember clearly how Max squealed in delight after hearing them talk in the living room while the two of us sneak from the kitchen.

"He already asked my father, how can I say no to him?" Chloe chuckled

"This is the first time I heard him taking a girl out." She seems so proud of him and I can only smile at that.

"Take care of him for me, will you?" She asked and I nodded

He's really precious to his friends and I can clearly tell that. The same way my friends told Charles to take care of me when we only started to date each other before.

"Wait, you're going to the Philippines for break?" She suddenly asked and this time I was the one who sipped from my coffee.

"Yeah, to visit grandma. It's been so long since we've seen her, especially our parents, and we miss her." I said

"That means you get to see him, right?" Well, about that...

"I plan not to. I mean, I may or may not bump into him but I prefer not to." I said truthfully


"So you're back! Gosh I miss you!" Paris stated and crushed me in a bear hug.

"I miss you too!" I said and hugged her back

We've only met for a few times when I occasionally drop by with Chloe and Gareth for school projects and assignments or she would drop Bigi in our house. She always makes me feel welcomed, not that the other Jacksons don't make me feel that way. They always tease us when we will make it official and Bigi just had to shove every question away.

"Hey, stop crushing her." Bigi said peeling me off of his sister's embrace.

"I won't, I won't. You two have fun, like clean fun not the dirty one!" She shouted through the halls as she disappears and we both shouted okay.

We decided to hangout in his house for a change since we always third wheel with Gareth and Chloe's date that it always end up us sneaking away from them. Damn, those two need to be away from each other sometimes.

"And I give up!" Bigi announced finishing off the cookie in his mouth, the crumbles flying over the place. I slapped his hand because he acts too childish.

"We've only been here for five minutes." I said

There's an upcoming test before the break and Bigi had the wisest of ideas to drag me out of my house because according to his words, 'You will end up sleeping the whole day, let's study in my house'. I don't know if his words are trustworthy or not considering we have only reached his place and he's already giving up from studying.

"Coz I don't need to study, Kel."

"Yeah coz you're a genius, don't need to remind me that. Be a supportive boyfriend and help me study, will you?" I didn't even think about the words leaving my mouth and before I realize it he has already his eyes on me with a teasing look.

"What's with the look Jackson?" I know what the look means and the careless words that had slipped my tongue makes my face as red as a tomato.

"Oh, I don't know. You just called me your boyfriend, Cruz."

"Yeah.. Boy-friend. A friend that is a boy, stop being malicious." I said shoving his face away

I have never been this nervous around any boy that I've met.

"Whatever floats your boat."

I opened the book I was supposed to read but the annoying Wazowski keeps on teasing me and nudging my sides, completely distracting me from everything that distracts me from him. His adorable smile never leaves his face.

"Stop it!" I said and tried to look stern but the look didn't even intimdate the guy since he only ruffled my hair and chuckled.

Soon enough he became quiet but my heartbeat quickened with his move. His one arm snaked around my waist while his head rested on my shoulder. His breathing got stable and I just realized that he had already fell asleep in his position while I am doing my very best to keep my breathing as stable as possible.

This is the very first skinship we've shared ever since he found out that I liked him and I'd be a hypocrite if I say that I didn't like it.

I smiled at the thought of him being like a little kid while he hugs me right now. He seems so restless these days actually and him sleeping like this makes my heart melt. We usually don't talk about other things than us and school since we always feel like not sharing each other other things about us. Even when he saw me crying at the music room, he didn't ask me why. Maybe because deep inside, he knows the feeling of slowly dying inside but is also afraid to ask for help at the same time. Because somehow, we both resemble each other in a way other people will never understand.

A smile left my lips. A genuine smile that has never surfaced for a very long time after Fatima passed away and I put the blame all on my shoulders. For the first time, I understand why my family is so easy when it comes to trusting me to Bigi. I honestly don't. Ever since we've become friends because ever since Fatima died, they had banned Charles from coming close to me. But right at this moment, I understand them. Because this is the first time I have been so comfortable with a guy other than my father after the thing with Fatima. And maybe because finally they've seen a chance of me surviving whenever I'm with him, maybe he's my cure...


I don't know how to write fluff!

But I'll try my best since you do your best too! We're on our road to 3K guys!

Thank you for reading...

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