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Kelsey’s P.O.V.

Our flight should be tomorrow. The exams are finished and the results will be announced after the classes continue. I wanted to go out with them before everybody leaves as the week-long vacation starts. Bigi and I decided to go out this time, together with the group when my Mom saw me walking out of the door.


My eyebrows furrowed at the name she used to call me however, the frown on my face got wiped off the moment I saw her face as I turned back. She had her motherly smile on as she pat the space beside her on the sofa in the living room.

Something’s wrong.


Don’t get me wrong, I don’t hold such grudge to my mom just because she spends her time inside the hospital when she’s supposed to take care of us. I understand why my parents had to work every second they have just so they can send the two of us to a nice school. Although, If I was the one to be asked, I’d rather enter a public school so they can take a rest.

The smile on her face didn’t falter but as seconds pass by, the tint of sadness gets more evident on her face.

She enveloped me in a big tight hug as I relaxed onto her arms. This is something we barely do as a family, we are close but we are not sweet. We always cringe at any type of intimacy, especially me and Max. The only person I was ever sweet to was---

“What’s wrong?” I managed to get the words out after recovering from the shock.

“I don’t know what happened during that night, and I don’t want to push you to tell us if you’re not ready.”

I froze on my spot. The images from that night kept replaying inside my head and they had muted my mom’s words for me. I was lost in a trance and even though I was sitting on a couch, I felt my legs are wobbly. I shouldn’t even be feeling this. I should’ve been over it. It’s been three years!

I can’t.

I shouldn’t. I have done something terribly wrong, not just terribly. I have killed someone. I’m in no position to be over it.

“Wake me up before we go to the airport tomorrow.” I said breaking away from my mom’s hug before going up the stairs and locking myself inside my room.

Bigi’s P.O.V.

“Hey, B. Where’s Kelsey?” Ash asked the moment he arrived. He’s always the late one so realizing that someone’s still not here is new to him.

“She couldn’t come.” I answered in my usual tone.

“Eh? About five minutes ago, she told me she’s on her way here.” Felicity said showing us Kelsey’s message to her.

“She actually messaged me just now that an emergency came up and she has to help her mom pack some things that they will bring with them tomorrow on their flight.” I said.

“That’s very unlikely of her.” Candace muttered under her breath and I just shrugged my shoulders when she looked at me.

After confirming, straight from Kelsey (because apparently these scoundrels do not trust my words), that she couldn’t come we had all went to continue our plans. The girls even complained how they are tired of seeing our faces when we would all hangout with each other but we I just rolled my eyes at them. Girls are so dramatic.

All through out the day, I kept glancing on my phone hoping Kelsey would send a message or asking how the day went by but there was none. Maybe she was too busy. Too busy eating that is.

It has been roughly a couple of weeks ever since the two of us became officially together and so far nothing has gone wrong. She would complain here and there about how she’s taken her English language for granted when she was in the Philippines because it’s getting harder for her to communicate with us. I disagree though. She’s really great in English. Yeah it was kind of rough when she had just moved in but after months of staying here, her vocabulary had improved a lot.

Honestly, I have never been with someone like her. I have never dated before. All of these was just new to me that’s why I am still adjusting to how I treat her. She had assured me several times that I shouldn’t be too pressured just because I’m seeing Gareth and Chloe being all too cutesy because it’s easy for her to cringe.

“B?” I looked up and saw Paris.

“Hey.” She had let herself in.

“I thought you’re not going to stay here for tonight?” I asked her

Gabriel and her live on their own house since she had already moved out when she turned eighteen.

“I just wanna talk about something with my brother, can’t that happen?” She asked while her eyebrows are wiggling up and down and I just rolled my eyes at her.

“Fine! I heard from TJ that you’re dating Kelsey.” I removed my eyes from her gaze and her smirk only got bigger.

“Oh my gosh! My little brother is now a young man!” She said while ruffling my hair and putting me in a headlock.

“Hey stop!”

She stopped eventually and sat on my bed comfortably. And when I say comfortably, I mean she’s sitting on my bed in an Indian seat and her shoes are touching my bed as if they’re the cleanest objects in the world.

“So how’s her sisters?” I furrowed my eyebrows as I get confused with her words.

“Sisters?” I asked her

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