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Bigi's P.O.V.

"Bigi, last door on the left next to the Balcony. It got some sweet view of the ocean and nice breeze. Maybe you'll get to write songs there." Prince said tossing me the key to the room.

"Thanks bro." I simply said, he nodded at me then the adults proceeded to unpack the things that we brought. Technically I'll be an adult in a matter of months but they are still older.

I took a look at them once again before heading upstairs letting them do their business. A small yet sad smile appeared on my lips as I walk on the stairs. If Dad was here, I'm sure he's really excited to do these things. We barely did things like this because aside from his jam-packed schedule, there are a lot of fans and getting crowded by them is never close to impossible.

My siblings had picked somewhere around the coastal area for this week saying they want to get away from the city for a while. I'm not complaining. City life may be glamorous but a little breathe away from them flashing lights can be fun.

I decided to slack off today. I've got an excuse though. We've travelled quite far.

"Up for some stroll, B?" Gabriel poke his head on the door way

"Nah. I'm good. Wake me up when you guys go home." I said and he nodded before walking away. He shouted they'd be locking all the doors into which I replied with an okay.

Maybe going here being the fifth wheel is not such a good idea. I'm gonna watch them become all sweet in front of my eyes and I bet that'd some disgusting sight. It would've been better if Kelsey was here but sadly she isn't. I could've stayed at TJ's but I don't wanna say no to Prince since he makes all the effort to have this kind of family get away.

I decided to unpack when I couldn't sleep. I've tried to twist and turn on the bed but I still couldn't fall asleep and I don't even know why.

I saw the book that I always bring with me whenever we would travel.

"Peter Pan"

I smiled. The book was still looking like it's brand new. I took great care of it since it's one of the few things that reminded me I did make some memories with Dad. An item which continuously reminded me that the memories I had stored in me weren't dreams that my mind decided to make because I was still so young when Dad passed.

"Just call my name, and I'll be there."

He would always sing that song to me before tucking the three of us in bed. It had always made me smile. The way his voice just makes you feel like you're listening to an angel, taking you to a deep slumber, bringing you to a dreamland you wouldn't even wanna go out of.

I took a deep breath before wiping the tears flowing down my cheeks. I guess I just never stopped grieving. Dad was more than just half of me.

"You are me and I am you. Don't ever forget that, Blanket."

Blanket, the name I've grown to hate and love at the same time. That's why at some point, having Kelsey call me that few times make me quite happy. She doesn't make it sound annoying or in a teasing manner. I usually don't let people call me Blanket but when it comes to her, it just sounds so natural.

Speaking of Kelsey, I'm still curious with the sister Paris is talking about. This might sound intrusive but I can't help but he curious about her.

"B? Let's eat dinner." It's Molly, Prince's girlfriend.

I nodded at her.

I got off my bed before heading out the door, on my way to the dining area.

With two couples with me, this will be a vacation with phones again.


A/N: The setting of this story is dated back in 2019 and so in this story Prince's girlfriend is Molly and that's why they (Bigi, Kelsey, and the others) are still in high school

Oof and sorry with how this book is taking so long to be updated. I really am trying to update as much as I can but school's prohibiting me to... i'm sorryyyy

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