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"Kelsey!" Aubrey shouted right through the screen as her face flashed.

"Aubrey! OMG, I miss you!"

"Girl, we also do! By the way, how are you? Your heart?" She asked

I looked at Bigi as she mentioned the word heart...

Geez... What's in me?

"I'm good. Really fine. How about you?"

I tried focusing on every detail Aubrey told me even though it's kinda hard since Bigi is here with me.

The truth is, I've never been this awkward with him ever since that night at the field. I don't really know why I was feeling awkward, but I'm sure as hell that he is as awkward as I am right now.

He shot a gaze at me and I immediately looked away trying to tear away that look.

I dropped the call and stood up, every member of Miracles was looking at me with worried gazes.

"Sorry, just gotta stretch out." I said and pretended to stretch.

Good thing I'm wearing my P.E. uniform right now.

I tied my hair up and focused on practicing.

"Kelsey, try this." Candace said teaching me on how to attack our new song.

"What do you think Bigi?" She asked and I felt myself having that cold stare.

"She'll do just fine. She's a great singer. Plus don't make the song too hard." He said and walked outside of the practice room.

"Was it just me or there's something going on between you two?" Candace asked and I just shrugged my shoulders.

I looked at my phone. The practice had just ended and Chloe just sent me a message.


Hey girl, up for some girl's night?
I promise, we'll just stay at home😉
You know, a normal girl's night, no
Gareth, no Bigi.

I'll tell my Dad.

See ya later love❤❤


After going out of the music room, I felt a hand on mine. I looked back and it was Bigi.

"Hey, K." I looked at him and wore an awkward smile.

"I was just gonna remind you of tomorrow."

"Oh yeah... Uh, tomorrow?"

"You forgot already?"

"No! It's not like that... It's more of, uhh, I haven't asked my parents about it yet."

His smile dropped and I immediately felt guilty. Stupid Kelsey and your stupid short-term memory.

"Maybe we can go on Sunday, yeah? After Church." I said and he looked at me as if he wasn't sure.

"Sure." I nodded at his answer and went home. I decided to walk home to think of the things inside my head.

Geez. What's wrong with me?


"Take care love." Mom said as I got off of the car. She had a night shift today at the hospital so she dropped me off of Chloe's place.

I pressed the doorbell and waited for a response.

"Hello," A middle-aged woman (same age as my mom I think) greeted me. "How can I help ya sweetheart?"

"Uh, ---

" Mom! That's Kelsey, my new best friend." Chloe said and they had let me inside of their home.

"And another addition to our trio. She's the cool girl that I have been telling you about." Chloe added

Cool girl? As if I am that cool.

Mrs. Anderson smiled at us.

"Okay girls, the house will be for the both of you tonight. Remember, no boys allowed. Right Chloe?" Chloe playfully rolled her eyes and shoved her mom out of the house.

"What do you wanna eat for dinner?" She asked

I thought about it for seconds...

"Pizza!" We both said at the same time and giggled

We both settled in the living room while we wait for the pizza delivery. We even ordered chicken and other snacks. While waiting, we both busied ourselves over several movies in netflix.

"Your parents know about Gareth right?" I asked while we eat the popcorn that we found somewhere in the cupboards in the kitchen.

"Yup." She said extending the 'p' sound

"So... Why isn't he allowed here?" I asked completely confused as to why we are the only ones here.

"He's not entirely not allowed here, he's just not allowed to be here at night. My parents are quite the strict ones, you know? Not like any other parents out there who let their kids be liberated and do whatever it is that they like. But Gareth visits once in a while. He even asks my dad everytime we go out on a date."

"That's... Nice." I muttered as memories of Charles hunt me slowly

"How about you and Bigi? Any update?" I went back to reality

"Why does everyone around us ask about the two of us? Was it that big of a deal?" I joked and she hit me softly with a pillow and laughed with me.

"You two look cute together, honestly. Besides, I never saw him smile like that ever since we've met." She said in a-matter-of-fact tone

"You, Ms. Chloe Anderson, are giving me false hopes." I said and rolled my eyes at her

"Honestly speaking K, don't you think Bigi is a boyfriend material?" She asked with her eyebrows wriggling

I thought about it for a second but there was no thumping inside my chest. Even with the slightest mention of his name.
I don't like him like that for now I guess. Especially with what happened with Charles.

"Not now. I treat him as a friend. Plus, we just met for about a couple of months, it's not likely that I'm gonna treat him more than just a friend." I answered honestly

"If you say so..."

I looked directly at the tv and tried focuaing on it even though I know my mind drifts somewhere else.

I just can't like someone with just that short period of time, can I? I can't like him. I've had enough with Charles, I can't just like somebody else.



OMG! You guys are the best! And yes this is a big deal for me LMAO.  Thank you so much!

And this is my promise, after months of being unable to write, and months of this chapter being trapped in the drafts, here goes nothing. Love lots everyone!

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