Chapter 6.

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It took over two weeks for the results to reach me. The envelope came in the mail, all old school, and I lazily picked it up and ripped it open. Jayden had been bugging me about the results for the last week so the first thing I did was look at the paper, satisfied that I got to know before he did. If I wanted to, I could keep my results from him. But that would only anger him. I took a picture of the paper and sent Jayden a text saying "I'm clean" and nothing else. His only response was "good"

Kennedy had come back to our classes again but he wouldn't even look at me. I felt betrayed and I wanted things to go back to normal. Things weren't even normal at home. I found myself distancing myself from Brian. I didn't eat with him anymore. I couldn't figure it out but I just wanted to be left alone. I wanted the world to disappear and vanish around me. I wanted the world to melt away into nothing.

I woke up to a loud thump and a painful ache that shot through my head. My surroundings went silent.

"Micah..?" Mrs Taraha asked. Her voice was startled. I didn't move. I just kept my head still on the table and let the pain linger in my forehead. I felt nauseous and achy. Literally. Everywhere. "Micah!" She called and I felt a small hand land on the back of my head. Mrs Taraha tried to move some of my hair away from my eyes as I faced the table and she bent down to try and look at me.

"What day is it?" I blurted out. My throat felt thick and uncomfortably tight.

"Uh..." Mrs Taraha began. "I believe it is October 10th..." She said.

"No..." I giggled sleepily. "Isn't it September?" I raised my head and looked up at her concerned face with a sleepy smile. Last time I checked it was September 9th. I couldn't have read an entire month wrong. "That can't be right..." I mumbled and rubbed my eyes before looking down at my phone. The screen lit up as I flipped my phone over and the text I found sent sharp nauseated dizziness through my head. My body crashed. System fail. Virus detected.

"Yeah he's got insomnia..." a familiar voice stated. My head felt heavy and the pillow underneath me was painfully uncomfortable. Fingers were being pulled through my hair. Familiar fingers. My eyes flickered open.

"Brian..." I whimpered.

"I'm here, kid..." he said and smiled at me. My head was in his lap, no wonder the "pillow" was uncomfortable.

"Welcome back..." The voice turned something inside me and my stomach flipped.

"Kennedy..." I whispered. It didn't take long until both of us were embraced in a tight hug on the floor of the nurse's private resting room. I sat on his lap as I pressed my face against his shoulder. The tears were soaking his shirt. "I'm sorry..." I whimpered.

"Where have you been?!" He stuttered and squeezed my waist tightly. "Your mind has been somewhere completely different for the last month, do you know how worried I was?!"

"I'm sorry!" I cried out.

"Okay that's enough..." a third voice muttered. "I'm telling the nurse that you're awake and ready to leave so just leave already..."

My head snapped in the direction of the voice. His curly, black hair had fallen over his forehead, hiding his grey eyes.

Why was he here? Even if he convinced the nurse to let us use the room, why was he here? I felt my throat tighten as I held back my tears. I had been pretty clear when I told him that I hated him so why was he standing there as if we were friends or something? He was a mistake. He was my mistake and I was his mistake. A mistake I couldn't take back.

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