Chapter 7.

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I landed on the floor with a loud crash and felt my hip throbbing as I landed on it. I moaned in pain and looked up at Brian. He looked furious, panting heavily as he held me down and flipped me to my back.

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?!" He yelled in my face. He let out a deep, panicked breath and closed his eyes. "I get it. You're scared... but if you do anything like that you'll only hurt yourself..." a tear slipped past the tip of his nose and landed on my face. I felt paralysed. "You don't even know for sure yet so stop trying to harm yourself..." Brian slowly let go of me, making sure that I would stay on the floor where he had tackled me. He opened the first aid kit and started cleaning he scratches on my stomach. It burned a bit, but I didn't care. The feeling of guilt came rushing back. I squirmed a bit and tried to sit up only to have my shoulders shoved down against the floor. "Stay still..." he growled.

"You're lucky you know..." I whispered as Brian put some kind of bandaid on my stomach. When he didn't answer I continued. "You're lucky cause you're normal... you don't have any extra parts and you know what you can identify as... there's nothing wrong with you..."

"Micah, stop..." He said and looked at me. "There's nothing wrong with you so stop talking like that..."

"You don't understand..." I laughed. I sounded like a maniac when I laughed like that, especially when my voice cracked and I started tearing up mid-sentence.

"You're right..." Brian mumbled. "But I'll still try to... because that's what family's for..."

I let him pull me up, off the floor as I thought of his words. He considered me part of his family even though we weren't related. I knew he meant it.

"So what food doesn't make you nauseous right now?" He asked and put the plate of eggs in the microwave to isolate the scent.

"I dunno..." I mumbled and shrugged. "I don't want anything..."

"Well, I'm forcing something down because you have barely eaten anything in the last few days..."

"Fine... waffles..." I mumbled and sat down. "With strawberry jam and whipped cream..."

"On it!" He said and patted me on the head before he rummaged through the pantry for the waffle mix.

I sat in silence as he cooked, wondering what I'd do without him when he finished his classes and got his degree. It saddened me to know that he'd leave soon. I still felt nauseous but not as nauseous as I had been when I smelled the eggs. On top of nausea, my head also hurt and the scratches on my stomach stung a bit.

I let my mind race. The guilt, the fear, the sadness, the anger, the stress, the anxiety and the faint feeling of excitement that came with the adrenaline, all mixed together into the mess of emotions that I was feeling.

I wanted to be an astronaut when I was a kid. Why was that something that came to my mind? My childhood dream was to walk on the moon. I always imagined it as a trampoline where I could jump however high I wanted. I thought everything was weightless on the moon, I thought I could fly if I wanted. Just jump and sweep around in the air without landing. The kids in my class laughed at that dream when I spoke about it in first grade.

"Eat up!" Brian said as he placed a plate of waffles on the table along with the strawberry jam and the whipped cream. I felt like a birthday kid.

Kennedy ran up to me when he saw me in front of the campus. He had a big smile on his face and his eyes sparkled like a child's.

"Good morning!" He said and pulled me into a hug.

"Hey..." I mumbled. He smelled different than usual. More 'manly' in a way. "You're awfully cheerful today..." I chuckled and gave him a weak pat on the back, signalling to him that I wanted to pull out of the hug.

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