Chapter 26.

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(holiday special)
Jayden's p.o.v

I stood by the stove with Kennedy as Micah rested on the living room couch. It was strange, knowing that he was pregnant, and with my child at that. The guilt probably wouldn't wear off. The terrified expression on his face before I pulled out. How the tears rolled down his cheeks and soaked the blindfold. I punished myself for it every day. Just the thought of how scared he must've been made me nauseous with guilt and shame. I never meant to hurt him. I never meant to put him in such a difficult situation. What kind of jerk doesn't ask for permission before going in raw? But what felt the worst was that even despite all that guilt, I was overjoyed. Seeing his stomach grow, seeing the ultrasound, having him around. All of it. It just made me feel genuinely happy, like a child excited for Christmas, knowing that good things laid ahead.

Micah didn't seem to feel the same as I did though. He seemed nervous, upset, anxious and uncertain. It was nerve-wracking to see how obviously uncomfortable he was around both me and Kennedy. But mostly me. Kennedy and Micah knew each since before they met me, making their relationship stronger than what I could have created with them during the few months we'd know each other. Still, Micah had agreed to be in a relationship with both of us. Considering his stubbornness and lack of social skills, I wouldn't have thought he'd even give it a chance. I'd never been in a poly relationship before, I barely ever dated anyone. There were many fears, many uncertainties that I had. What if one of us became the third wheel? What if Kennedy and I ended up fighting over Micah? What if Kennedy felt left out considering that Micah and I were having a baby? What would I do if we started arguing over something? Whose side would I take? Who would take my side? I was, after all, the newcomer to them. Or at least so it seemed.

With a spark of worry, I glanced back into the living room to see Micah laying on the couch under a blanket, snuggled up against a pillow. He looked to be sleeping. I smiled at the sight, he was so pretty. The undercut, fluffy, wavy hair that hung down over his face when he didn't style it. His golden eyes, his perky nose and his small, slightly plump, soft lips.

"You seem nervous..." Kennedy mumbled, nudging my shoulder.

"Did we force him into this?" I mumbled.

Kennedy bumped my hip with his. "Not quite..." he chuckled. "Micah doesn't agree to stuff easily. If you haven't noticed yet, he's quite stubborn..."

I sighed. Of course, I had noticed. It was one of the reasons why I was drawn to him. For some reason, I'd always been drawn to the disobedient ones. "Are you still mad at me?"

Kennedy tensed up for a second, exposing his true feelings. Yup, he was still angry. Kennedy and I hadn't started out on the best of notes. Why had I been so rude to him? Actually, I knew why. It was because I wanted Micah to myself. But who wouldn't? Kennedy certainly did. Even my roommate, Riley, looked at Micah with desire.

"I can't say that I've completely forgiven you..." Kennedy mumbled, gritting his teeth. "You knocked up the guy I'm in love with and then you nearly beat me up..." he chuckled. After a moment of silence, he glanced over at me and sighed. "But I guess I'm just as bad when it comes to things I've said..." he began, awkwardly shifting from foot to foot. "I'm really sorry for what I said to you back then... Everything I said... I didn't mean it, I was just angry... I'm... I'm so sorry..." he sighed heavily.

I let out a soft chuckle. "Yeah, I know..." I said and nudged his arm, brushing my shoulder against his. "It's fine, I forgave you a long time ago. People say shit they don't mean when they're angry. I would know..." Kennedy and I had met up on several occasions that Micah wasn't aware of. We had argued like enemies, laughed together like best friends and spoken, almost formally, as if on a business meeting, about Micah and how both of us felt for him. We weren't rivals, sort of. Sure, both of us wanted Micah to ourselves, but I definitely had the advantage, considering the child growing inside Micah. My child. Micah and I would forever be associated with each other. We would never be able to avoid each other. Now and forever, we'd be co-parenting. Hopefully, our child wouldn't have to move between homes. Then there was this poly relationship. Being an overprotective, somewhat possessive and dominant person, I feared that I would get jealous if Micah leaned more to Kennedy than me.

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