Chapter 12.

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My body fell onto the bed like a rag doll. I pulled a large pillow up to my chest and nuzzled it, held it tightly as I Jayden laid down next to me. His warm, bare chest met my bare back and I shivered in comfort. His skin was so smooth, so soft and comfy. His arm stretched over mine under the covers, gently draping over my own arm as he tangled our fingers into a soothing hold.

"You're so cold..." he chuckled as his warm feet met mine. The only cold part about Jayden was the tip of his nose which felt almost frozen as he nuzzled the back of my neck.

"No, I'm not..." I growled at him. "You're just warm..." Well, I was pretty cold but I wasn't in the mood for Jayden tell me that.

"Your room's quite cosy..." he murmured. "Not sure why your bed is so big though..." He snickered. It was true that I had a big bed, it was my parents' old bed. They had given it to me when I moved out since they had bought a new one anyway.

"Shut up, Jayden..." I groaned as I tried to fall asleep.

He pulled me closer to his chest and comfortably wrapped his arm around my waist, hesitantly letting his hand hover over my stomach. I could tell how desperately he wanted to touch it, his hand was twitching with the desire to rub my belly. It was strange to me, my stomach was still flat as a board and it probably would be for quite some time. I could even see a difference.

I felt myself dozing off as Jayden places his warm hand on my bare skin. His other hand was in my hair, gently rubbing my scalp and twisting my hair around his fingers. His touch felt like it had when he first played with my hair back when I fell asleep in Mrs Taraha's classroom. He swirled his fingers over my stomach, drawing small circles over the skin with his index finger.

"Thank you for letting me be here..." He whispered.

"Only till I fall asleep..." I murmured. Honestly, having him play with my hair and rubbing my belly was the most comfortable thing ever. It was so comforting and cuddle that I didn't even remember the times when I had struggled to fall asleep in the past.

"Okay... I'll leave before you wake up..." he chuckled.

I woke up feeling even sleepier than I had been when I went to bed. It was close to 8 pm and I was alone in my bed. I didn't want to get up.  Voices were coming from the kitchen, more than one. Brian was home but there was someone else. I sleepily got up, rubbing my eyes and groaning as I stretched out my body. My stomach growled.

"Brian!" I called as I yawned, grabbing a sweater off the floor and lazily pulling over my head. The apartment was far too cold for my liking and I shivered as I staggered out to the kitchen. It smelt like ramen. "Brian..." I mumbled, repeating myself since I hadn't gotten an answer.

"Hey, kid!" He called. He turned to me, flashing his flushed face. Jayden turned as he heard me coming into the kitchen and gave me a nod, beer in hand.

"You're drinking..?" I groaned.

"And eating ramen, yes." Brian smiled goofily. "Want some?"

"Yes please..." I mumbled.

Jayden has a strange look on his face. Both of them were obviously tipsy but that wasn't the reason why he was staring at me. His grey eyes pierced my tough facade so easily that I nearly broke down in tears. It was unfair how pretty he was.

"I thought you said you'd leave when I fell asleep..." I muttered.

"I was going to, then your roommate came home and offered me a drink..."

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