Chapter 21.

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"What..?" Trina chuckled, obviously thinking that I was joking.

"You're really having a baby?!" Molly, Trina's youngest squealed.

"Y-Yeah..." I said letting a relived laugh slip.

It took me and my parents nearly an hour to thoroughly explain what intersexual meant and how it worked, how rare my body was, unique even according to the doctors I'd met. While that explanation went on, Molly, stood by my side curiously poking and stroking my stomach. She was only five so it was expected that she'd be curious. That didn't mean that it wasn't a bit annoying though. Cute, but annoying.

"That's... quite something..." my youngest cousin, Trina said, baffled. "I didn't think you were gay..."

"Wait... Wait!" One of my younger nephews exclaimed. He was one of Patrick's kids. I looked at him, confused. "You're a guy... you don't have a vagina like ladies so... where did the other guy put his penis..?"

My face burned like the fucking sun and turned bright red as a rose. I didn't want to have to explain to how gay sex worked to my cousins' young kids and it didn't seem like anyone else in the room wanted to either. I swallowed. My younger nephews and nieces looked around the table, confused.

"Mommy, what is he talking about..?" Molly mumbled and walked over to her mom.

Lenny slammed his head onto the table, startling my sixteen-year-old nephew, Denver, Patrick's son. He was the oldest of their cousin group and also the one who didn't seem to like people too much. Had Lenny slammed his head in embarrassment or annoyance? I couldn't tell. But the sudden actions caused silence to fall over the dining room.

"Who wants dessert..?" My mom awkwardly chuckled.

The weather was only getting colder which meant that my jacket was getting more and more unbearable to wear outside. I really had to get a winter coat. December was a few days away and I still hadn't gotten a new one. I tore the zipper and ripped the left sleeve of my old coat. It was beyond repair. It was the day after Thanksgiving, I was bloated, sleepy and a bit nauseous from stuffing my face once more at the breakfast table.

Things hadn't been the same after I revealed my pregnancy to the rest of my family. They'd been quiet and every time I looked away I felt eyes glued to my body, watching my every move. All the younger kids, who usually played rough had all been extremely gentle and careful. Patrick's eldest, Denver, avoided everyone in the family, just like he always did, but I couldn't help but feel as if he was avoiding me most of all. Trina and Grace had tried to give me both pregnancy and parenting advice but that had ended with them arguing over breastmilk. Taking other people's advice was tiresome, to say the least, I preferred just letting everything unfold however it wanted to in its own time.

It was strange to be so close in age to my eldest nephews now that they knew about the pregnancy, Lenny was only four years younger than me and Denver was only three years younger. The two of them had been acting awkwardly after dinner. I couldn't blame them. What I had told them had been huge and confusing.

I pushed the door to Daisy's diner open and took in the sweet scent of whatever food was cooking. I had a headache.

It was easy to spot Hannah in our usual boot down by the jukebox. She was sitting with her back to the entrance which meant that she hadn't seen me yet.

"Sup loser..." I chuckled and lightly smacked the back of her head as I walked past her.

"Mickey you hoe! I missed you!" She squealed and shot out of her seat to hug me, hitting her knee on the table in the process.

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