Chapter 41.

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With fourteen hours left until we were supposed to be at the hospital, Jayden was taking pictures of me, the last pictures of my baby bump. The stretch marks would linger and I was fine with that. I would get my body back. If I worked out as much as I did before, went on runs as I loved to, I was confident that I could pop back.

I had not slept for I did not know how long which was bad. I needed to sleep and build up energy but I could not seem to stay still for more than a minute. Insomnia was not like this, insomnia was something I was used to. No, this was something very different. This was nervousness and nothing seemed to help. Every time I settled, my brain would come up with another task. Something to do, something to check, something to pack, something I wanted to eat. I had peed four times in the last hour.

"Micah, will you please calm down?" Jayden complained as I stood up again and started pacing around the kitchen, deciding to rewash the dishes so that I could do something with my hands.

"I am calm..." I stuttered.

"If you were calm, you wouldn't be this nice to us..." He sighed.

"Your 'calm' consists of growling, frowning and refusing our affection..." Kennedy slowly approached behind me, wrapping his arms around me. "If you were calm you would be shoving me off of you..."

"You make me sound like a cold asshole..." I murmured. There were scrapes of a leftover sticker on one of the plates and no matter how hard I rubbed, it would not come off. The paper sticker of the bar code was stuck to the porcelain-like gum in hair and the harder I tried to remove it, the worse it seemed to get. Continuing to ponder over his words, I but my lip. "You make me sound like a cold, insensitive asshole..." I repeated, this time quieter as I tried to hide the tremble in my voice.

"Well..." Kennedy nervously cleared his throat.

Smith launched his foot into the wall of my stomach, causing it to poke out a bit. I cringed, reminded of the scene from Alien when the creature bursts out of the guy's stomach. My insides turned as the image remained vivid in my mind and a swaying feeling welled up in my stomach, nausea slithering up my throat. "I'm gonna vomit..." I choked out before dashing toward the bathroom with whatever strength I had left in me. As I did so both Jayden and Kennedy yelped in fear and darted toward me, both of them managing to grab ahold of me just as I felt my feet sliding over the floor and I lost my balance. I barely made it to the toilet before the sour taste forcefully hijacked my mouth. Jayden and Kennedy both sat beside me, something that was both appreciated and unwanted at the same time. It was nice that they cared for my comfort but I absolutely hated that they were witnessing me during one of my weaker moments.

"How many times do we have to tell you not to run?" Jayden sighed heavily, shakily, holding onto me with trembling hands. "Stop scaring us like that..."

"Micah, if you needed to throw up you could have done it in the sink..." Kennedy scolded.

"On the dishes?" I heaved angrily.

"You slipped! You could have fallen!" Jayden growled. "Micah, you always fucking slip! You're clumsy and we all know it so please just... please be more careful! What if you're holding Smith the next time you slip and fall, huh? What if we're not there to catch you?"

I shivered. He was scolding me, actually scolding me. He was angry. Worried. Scared. "I'm... I'm sorry..." I sniffled, unable to hold back the tears as another wave of nausea hit me soon after I spoke.

"Don't be so hard on him..." Kennedy mumbled, brushing his fingers through my hair as I breathed heavily into the toilet bowl. Gosh, it smelled disgusting. So disgusting that the scent itself made me want to throw up even more.

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