Chapter 17.

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My heart was pounding. Brian's reaction didn't make it any easier. All I could feel was fear. The door slowly opened and revealed a small shadowy figure on the other side.

"What's up?" Brian said. "Is everything okay? It's kinda late..." The person on the other side walked into our apartment as Brian gestured for them to do so.

"I can't sleep at home tonight..." a young boy whimpered. His voice was somewhat high pitched and unsteady. He couldn't be older than fifteen.

"What's wrong?" Brian asked and pulled the hood off the boy's head to reveal his face. A dark bruise covered his right cheek, it looked fresh. "Who did this?"

The boy didn't answer. He just stood still, staring at the floor. His dark hair was wild, standing in all directions in a way that reminded me of a palm tree. He had freckles over his pale skin and his fingernails were chewed down to short tips.

"Did he start drinking again..?" Brian mumbled and the boy nodded as he pressed himself against Brian's chest.

"Wh-who..." I stuttered. He might've just been a kid but he was bigger than me and I felt intimidated. I wasn't exactly short but I was definitely below average by about two inches and the kid in my apartment was only a bit shorter than Jayden whom I considered tall. Brian was taller than him though and Brian was probably taller than Kennedy who was pretty tall. Again, I felt like a baby.

"This is Corey..." Brian mumbled. The young boy's head snapped in my direction and his breath hitched as he tried to back up. "Calm down, I told you that I had a roommate... that's Micah, I've known him for some time and I trust him with my life, you can trust him too..."

"Hi..." I mumbled and tried to smile at him. He looked so scared.

"Corey's the older brother of one of the kids at the daycare... his parents are divorced and his dad's been handling it pretty poorly since his mom remarried and had another kid... so I told Corey that he could come here whenever he felt like he couldn't stay with his dad..."

My heart felt heavy with guilt. Here I thought he'd be some scary criminal knocking on doors demanding bloodshed. But as I looked into his pale brown eyes I could relax. He wasn't dangerous at all. I slowly released me the tight grip I had on my belly and let out a deep sigh of relief. I had become a lot more hostile ever since I found out about my baby.

"I'll make some hot chocolate..." I mumbled and began wobbling into the kitchen, still a bit shaken.

"Nope!" Brian called as he saw my shaky legs. "You've moved enough today... get some rest..."

"Stop worrying about me, I've got this..."

"It's not you that I'm worried about, it's Smith... don't strain yourself..."

I nodded as I placed a hand on my belly, I probably scared my baby every time I got stressed about something.

"Hey, Corey?" I said and turned to the boy who was still standing with his coat on by the door. His eyes slowly and carefully made their way to mine. It was like he feared eye contact. "Let's watch a movie..."

Brian nodded to the boy and he hesitantly took his wet shoes off. Was it raining outside? His coat had been wet too. I walked into the living room and sat down on the couch. My knees were achy. How annoying. As I scrolled through the movie list Corey slowly walked into the living room. I looked up and smiled at him. My previous thoughts about him being bigger than me were thrown out the window when I saw him without his coat. He was stick-thin, no fat whatsoever and barely any muscle. He was taller than me though. This kid was definitely struggling.

"Here..." I said and pulled my blanket off my shoulders. "You look cold and this one's already warm! Wouldn't wanna catch a cold!" I said with a bright smile. He seemed hesitant at first but slowly approached me to take the blanket before taking a seat next to me.

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