Chapter 19.

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I woke up in a tangled mess of limbs and bodies at 4 a.m. It was warm and cosy. Hands were on my stomach, in my hair, on my hips. My hands were in someone's hair, the other one tucked somewhere under my pillow. How'd we end up like this? We didn't... I reached down to my underwear in a panic and sighed in relief when they were still on. That didn't quite assure me though. Sure, I couldn't remember anything other than dozing off on the couch but I wasn't so sure since both Jayden and Kennedy were pretty naked on the bed. I pushed all the limbs off of me and crawled out of the bed. There were no condoms on the floor and my lube wasn't out of the drawer as far as I could tell. I stared suspiciously at the two men on my bed. They looked pretty knocked out and that too was suspicious. Either they stayed up too late doing who knows what or they decided to jerk each other off or something before they fell asleep. I squinted at them. Both were very possible.

A sudden wave of nausea washed over me and I had to stop my train of thought for a second while I tried to determine if I was about to throw up or not. There was no time to think. Within seconds I was hunched over by the toilet, the process was just as uncomfortable as it had been the first time. As soon as I thought I was done another wave would hit me and I'd be back with my head in the bowl.

"I thought we were done with this shit!" I yelled at my stomach between the heaving.

Throwing up might be one of the most unpleasant feelings ever. You can't control it and you're not the one pushing the vomit out. Your body just does all of it and you can't stop it when you've started. You're just immobilised until your body decides that it's had enough.

Hands that weren't mine brushed over my forehead as I breathed heavily into the toilet. Someone pulled my hair away from my damp forehead and gently massaged my scalp. I knew that touch.

"You're okay..." Jayden hummed sleepily. "I've got you..."

"I'm not... okay..." I forced out between another set of heaving and breathing heavily. "This is your fucking fault..."

"I know..." he chuckled softly. "You were pretty tired, huh?"

"Stop... stop talking..."

I spent another ten minutes at the toilet in Jayden's lap as he patiently stroke my back and stomach while he brushed my hair back. Not that it needed to be brushed back since it was in a medium length undercut but I still appreciated the gesture.

"He's not being very nice to you..." Jayden chuckled as he stroke my small body bump.

"Yeah, I know... it's like he's a little copy of you..."

"Hey now..."

"I wanna go back to bed..."

The second time I woke up was at 8:14. I had class at 10. I opened my eyes to see Jayden sleeping in front of me, his long lashes naturally curled and his dark skin looked soft in the small amount of light that seeped through the closed blinds. Kennedy had his arms around me, spooning me like a child.

"Kennedy..." I complained and nudged his arms. "Off..." I groaned. "Kennedy!"

"Mm... what?" He murmured.

"Get off me..."

"But I'm comfy..."

"I need to pee, asshole..."

"But, Micah..."

"My foot is dangerously close to your nut sack right now so if you feel like being able to walk within the next week then I advise you to get off me..."

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