Chapter 36.

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Jayden drummed his hands on the steering wheel as he blasted Green Day's 2004 album. Despite the chilly February weather, he had the windows rolled down, allowing the wind to whip my hair around. He sang along and bobbed his head, still managing to drive just as gracefully as always. His music preference was surprising, not exactly something I would listen to on a regular basis. Perhaps in my early teens, but not now. I didn't even listen to Avril anyone and she'd been my god when I was younger.

The drive was short, yet it felt dreadfully long with Jayden's blasting music. As we turned onto a thin street full of medium-sized houses though, Jayden turned the music off completely. I had lived in the around the campus for over a year, still, I had no idea that just a few minutes away, there was a street full of adorable houses. The street, even in February, looked like something out of a fairytale. Large trees peered over the street, almost creating a roof above the road between the houses. I could imagine that in the summer and spring, all the green leaves would create a magical ceiling over the street, only letting a few rays of sunshine through. Small white fences framed each house and their gardens. Gardens full of what appeared to be berry bushes and fruit trees. How could a place like this go unnoticed? It was absolutely magical even with the streets full of wet gravel and remains of melting snow. I found it hard to believe that we were even in the same city as the university still. What lay before me looked like nothing I'd ever seen before and my stomach was fluttering as I imagined walking down the road during an afternoon in June with a stroller under the shade of the trees above.

"We're here." Jayden said and turned to look at me over the driver's seat. My head snapped in the direction that Kennedy was looking in. There. Surrounded by the most precious white fence stood a white house with three small stone steps leading up to a white door with a round window. It was bigger than I expected and appeared to have a basement below the ground floor. My heart swelled in my chest as I saw the real estate lady waving at us by the driveway and for some reason, I felt myself tearing up.

"Do you need help getting out?" Kennedy asked sheepishly by my open door. Both him and Jayden had already gotten out while I stared at the house like a fool. Instead of slapping his hand away like I usually would, I rubbed my teary eyes and grabbed his cold hand, allowing him to help me out of the car.

"I'm Yenay Jiang, I'll be showing you the house today, nice to meet you!" The woman smiled gently as Jayden shook her hand.

"Jayden Marston, likewise," Jayden answered. His sudden switch from bobbing his head to green day to suddenly becoming a gentleman had me giggling. As the woman laid eyes on me her smile widened.

"I see you're expecting," She said excitedly. "This neighbourhood is excellent for raising children. Most of the people who live here are parents to kids of all ages, babies to teens."

The real estate agent gestured toward the house. She didn't seem to mind nor question my gender or who the father was, she just smiled excitedly. Either she was actually a really nice and open person or she was just really good at her job, I couldn't tell, but I liked her.

I fell in love with the house the second I walked through the front door. It was bright, spacious, open and modern with large windows.

"This entire neighbourhood was designed by a Swedish architect so the windows have double glass and open outward as well as up, you just turn the handle." The real estate lady went through the house, talking about its design and how it was different from any American house. She spoke of the thick and sturdy walls, the isolation and the heated floor in the basement. How the house was small yet spacious at the same time and that there was already a charging pole for electric cars in the garage that the previous owner had installed. But as the real estate lady took Jayden and Kennedy through the house, answering their questions, I got stuck in one of the rooms. A smaller room with dark wooden floorboards, white walls and a large window. In the ceiling hung a lamp with a round paper lampshade painted all the way around with different types of trees. The lamp looked like a little forest where it hung above me, a small forest in an empty room. The dark wooden floor was the dirt in the forest, the white walls the horizon in the distance. It was strangely captivating. And if that wasn't captivating enough, right outside the window stood an apple tree with low hanging branches. It was within perfect reaching distance from the window.

"Hey, Micah!" Jayden called from the other room. "This spot would be perfect for a sex swing!"

When I didn't answer, a set of light steps approached. Judging by the sound of them, I could tell that it was Kennedy. While Jayden took large, confident steps, Kennedy took careful strides as if he was walking on eggshells or trying to sneak through a house full of sleeping babies. Still, he fumbled with his long legs, sometimes seeming to trip over thin air or dragging the tips of his large feet over the ground when he forgot to lift his legs high enough.

"Hey..." he said in the doorway. I didn't turn to face him as I was still looking at the lamp. "You okay?"

"This will be Smith's room..." I mumbled. "Look, there's the apple tree, you can even reach it from the window..." I was standing inside the room, leaning on the wall next to the door. My feet were hurting and so was my back, I wanted a nap and a massage.

"So you like it..?"

"It's perfect..."

"Good..." I could tell by the sound of Kennedy's voice that he was smiling. I could tell by the excitement in his voice just how happy he was, how he was probably wiggling his toes inside his shoes and entwining his fingers and massaging his wrists. "Does that mean you'll move in with us..?"

Pushing myself up, away from the wall, I finally faced Kennedy. "You've already decided to buy it?" I asked.

"Well there'll be a house bidding but there's only one other interested buyer and Mrs Jiang says that they'll probably fold." Kennedy nervous scratched the back of his head. "We also kind of already talked to the bank about a loan and I'm selling my apartment..."

"You guys are really serious about this thing, huh?" I sighed, suddenly feeling a bit jealousy and left out. That was my fault though. I had been pretty bitchy about everything.

"Well yeah... Jayden and I didn't want to pressure you into anything... sorry if it feels like that. But all three of us are in this together aren't we? I know that Smith isn't my baby but... I'd still want to be with you guys and raise him as if he was... A-and this would be a really great place to raise him, don't you think?"

Smith twitched inside me, forcing a smile to spread over my face. "Yeah... it would..." I mumbled. Kennedy blushed softly and nodded. There was something else he wanted to say or ask, yet he kept quiet, probably thinking that he would pressure me if he asked.

"Perfect for a nursery, isn't it?" The real estate agent said behind me, causing both me and Kennedy to jump in surprise.

"Y-yeah..." I stuttered nervously. The lady looked flustered, probably just having escaped from Jayden as he started talking sex swings and asking how much weight the ceiling could hold.

"The window is positioned so that the sun rises right above the apple tree in the summer and spring, creating a beautiful light in the room that makes it look almost golden. I reckon that would look great with a little crib in the corner and maybe a pastel-painted wall, wouldn't you agree?"

I nodded. She was making me visualise it. Smith in a crib or playing on the floor with the golden glow shining on him. I could visualise him laying in his crib and staring at the round lamp in the ceiling, just as I had moments ago.

"Of course, it would also make a great home office or a studio. This is probably the safest neighbourhood around here. Since these are family houses, no college students live here. So there are no loud late-night parties or drunken riots that could bother you or your baby when you sleep. There's never even been a break-in here."

"You know a lot about this place..." Kennedy said, wrapping an arm around my waist.

"It's my job to know these things..." she winked. "Now, would you like to have a look at the rest of the house? The bathroom is truly splendid!"

I could see it all before my eyes as we drove home. The wide couch in the living room where we would watch movies. The nursery with the pastel wall where Smith would play with cute toys in all colours. I could see Jayden in the kitchen cooking while Kennedy set the table. I would be carrying Smith on my hip, bouncing him up and down as he watched his daddies with big eyes. Perhaps the most luxurious thing was the fridge with the ice dispenser. It was silly, but I had always wanted one.

"Let's do it..." I mumbled in the backseat, gently rubbing my stomach. "Let's buy the house."

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