Chapter 16.

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The midst of November. The cool air swept through the streets, swirling the dry leaves that lay under the naked trees. It was below freezing and I had just gotten my winter coat out. The big, fluffy fabric hugged my body and a soft beanie sat atop my head.

The corridors were just as crowded as they normally were. I wasn't in a hurry and therefore slowly followed the lazy flow of tired college students. My coat hung loosely over my arm, it had been wise of me to take it off before I entered the narrow corridor. The reasoning behind why this particular corridor was so narrow was because the school needed to build more bathrooms for both students and professors. The result was the long, ridiculously narrow corridor that led to the auditoriums. Whoever designed this university building, who knows how long ago, probably wouldn't be too pleased with what it had become. One time I heard some people call this corridor "the squeeze" and another time it had been called "the sardine walk". At one point I think I even heard it being called "the sweat queue". I assumed the last one came to be since people always had to stand in three or two lines to walk through the corridor. At most, the corridor could fit four people standing side by side with their shoulders touching. The worst part was the small wall mounted trash can that hung in the middle of the corridor. It always forced people to walk around it which ruined the three-lane flow of the corridor.

I heard someone complain about someone pushing them behind me but paid it no mind. Within seconds I was pulled into the janitor's closet. The same janitor's closet that Jayden had pulled me into a few weeks back. It was pitch black, just like last time and I reached around to find the light switch.

"Come on, Jayden... Not this bullshit again..." I whined. The door was locked behind me and I sighed. "Really?" I mumbled. "Do you realise how dizzy I get in here? It smells like chemicals..."

His large hands found their way to my stomach and he quickly let his hands roam over it. I felt his hands gently lifting my shirt and he placed his hand on my bare skin. He was cold. Jayden was never cold. How long had he been outside for?

"What's up with you?" I grumbled. It was quite uncomfortable to have his icy hands on my warm stomach and I squirmed in discomfort. "Why are you always so eager to touch it?" I growled at him and shooed his hands away. "I get that you wanna feel your baby but I have to get to class..." No one answered. The only sound that he let out was a broken sob and a quiet sniffle. "J-Jayden? Hello?" I reached out for the person in front of me and my hand landed on a hard chest. But it wasn't Jayden's hard chest. This person was skinnier than him. While Jayden had a fair amount of muscle, this person felt more like a flat board. "Turn the light on!" I whimpered. I cursed myself for the way I sounded. Anyone would've heard how scared I was.

The light flickered on with a clink and I blinked my eyes to give them time to adjust. I was trembling at that point. Jayden was the only one who had ever pulled me into a janitor's closet like this. Who else could've had the same idea? And... Why was that person so intent on touching all over my stomach?

"So it's true..." Kennedy sniffled. My senses calmed a bit as I realised that the person who'd just been touching me wasn't a stranger.

"You fucking scared me!" I spat and punched his arm harder than I should've. He yelped and took a step back so I wouldn't be able to reach him before he continued.

"I'm so sorry, Micah..." He stumbled over the words, trembled with nervousness and sweated. "I'm so sorry for what I said... I didn't mean it... I didn't have the guts to tell you cause Jayden's always following you around like a bodyguard..."

"So you snatched me on my way to class?" I growled.


"Kennedy, you said some awful shit..." My voice was laced with poison, Kennedy could hear it, I could hear it. It honestly frightened me to hear my voice sounding so threatening. "You asked me why I slept with Jayden and not you." My voice was growing more threatening with every word. "You looked at me as if I was an insect..."

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