Chapter 2.

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Brian moved his hips from side to side as he hummed along to an old Radiohead song. He had the Bluetooth speaker strapped to the fridge where it hung, blasting music. I had to hold my hands over my ears as I staggered into our apartment. He didn't even hear the door open and kept swinging around in the kitchen wearing an apron and fluffy socks. I was probably the only one who'd seen him like this. Usually, he wore very basic clothes and plain sneakers. At home, he dressed like a thirteen-year-old at a pyjama party though.

"BRIAN!" I yelled over the music.

His head didn't even turn in my direction. He just kept swinging his hips from side to side as he bobbed his head up and down to the beat of the music.

"BRIAN!" I yelled again. This time I walked up to the speaker and turned it off. This finally caught his attention and he turned around with a displeased look on his face.

"You didn't have to turn it off..." he muttered and crossed his arms over his chest as he glared down at me.

"I could hear it from the fucking street..." I chuckled and poked him in the stomach. He squealed and let out a loud shriek. Brian was not only ticklish but he also hated it when people touched him.

"That's a dirty move..." He scolded and pointed his spatula in my direction as I walked around him and pulled two plates out of the cupboard.

"The neighbours are gonna complain... are you trying to get us kicked out?" I mumbled and placed two glasses by the plates on the table before getting two pairs of forks and knives.

Brian was making egg fried rice with ham, peas and carrots. His short hair sat on his head like a hat and his glasses slid down his nose as he moved around. Brian was the definition of geek. He was a bit awkward, quite intelligent and warm-hearted but he couldn't speak to anyone whom he considered superior to him. He was afraid of people who could make him feel small and therefore only socialised with a certain group of people. He would probably end up running a large company when he grew older and have all his old high school bullies work for him. At least that's what he liked to tell me when I asked what he saw in his future.

Brian set the pan down on the table and handed me a glass of water. He began putting food on our plates, not paying attention to how much he was giving me until I stopped him as my plate was starting to overflow with the rice.

"You okay..?" I asked. He looked dazed and tired.

"Work's been a bitch..." he mumbled.

"How come?" I chuckled. Brian worked at a daycare centre when he didn't have classes. He somehow managed to squeeze all his classes into Mondays and Thursdays. How? I'm not sure but to be fair, he only took three classes. He only had these two next semesters left until he was done with college and then he'd be out of here faster than popcorn in a movie theatre.

"There's this one parent who keeps giving us shit because her kid comes home with dirty clothes... like, excuse me? Is it my fault that your kid is a fucking maniac? Is it my fault that your kid mangers to somehow spill everything he touches? Is it my fault that your kid trips and falls and throws his food around? It's not my fucking job to raise your kid I'm just watching him while you work so calm your saggy tits and sit the fuck down!" Brian took a deep breath and let it out slowly. His face was turning red with either rage or annoyance and he shoved rice into his mouth.

"What a bitch..." I said to try and comfort him even though I didn't give a shit. If it made him feel better than I would gladly let him rant to me.

"Her kid is an asshole too..." he grumbled as he chewed. "Cocky son of a bitch..."

"Yeah, he sounds like a pain..."

"I'm never having kids..." he groaned.

"Me neither..." I chuckled.

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