Chapter 11.

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Every molecule around me decided to attack me where I sat in the front of the bus. The air around me got thick and hot. Everything felt heavy. The sweat was running down my back. What if I had dropped the pregnancy test at Jayden's house? I swallowed harshly as I tried to take deep breaths. My arm wrapped around my stomach.

"You're causing a lot of trouble for me, little shrimp..." I whispered as I tried to breathe.

"Are you okay, son?" The driver asked. I looked up to see him staring at me with a concerned expression.

"No, but you don't need to worry about it... sorry if I bothered you..." I whispered and gave me a tired smile.

"Do you need some water..? You look a bit pale..."

"Yes please..." I whimpered.

My fingers trembled in the cold as I roamed my pockets one last time in a hopeless attempt to find the pregnancy test. If I had dropped it at Jayden's then he had definitely found it by now since he was such a perfectionist. I whimpered at the thought as I staggered into the college building. My eyes flickered anxiously between the different faces, searching for Jayden's.

"Micah!" A hand landed on my shoulder and I screamed in surprise as I whipped around. Kennedy looked mortified. I smacked his arm as the unwilling tears welled up in my eyes.

"You scared me!" I yelped and started wiping my eyes. The only thing that was worse than morning sickness was the way I'd start crying from even the slightest disturbance of peace.

"Yeah, I noticed..." he choked out. An awkward blush spread over his face as he looked down at me. "W-What's with the waterworks?" He stuttered.

"Don't even ask..." I sniffled.

Kennedy walked me to our class and we sat down in the front. I was ridiculously sleepy. Sure, I was used to being tired but I was never exactly sleepy in the sense where I'd actually be tempted to lay down and doze off. My hand cuddled up by my stomach and I carefully rubbed it. I was growing overly attached to my little shrimp and it had only been two days since I found out about its existence. It was strange. With every thought of the little slimy thing growing inside me, my heart would warm up. I couldn't tell if I actually developed some sort of love for the little shrimp or if was some hormone thing. My soft stomach was warm and smooth as I rubbed my hand over it under the shirt.

"You got a stomach ache?" Kennedy asked with a confused look. I shook my head.

The teacher started speaking and I leaned back in the chair, discreetly rubbing my stomach. No one could see what I was doing except for Kennedy but he'd find out sooner or later so I didn't care. I'd have to do my best while I could still attend classes with a professor so I tried my hardest to pay attention to what the professor was saying. I took notes and wrote down my own thoughts and questions above the different topics that I could think about later. I actually felt like a good student for once.

I stretched out my back as the last class for the day came to an end. It was only 12:30 pm and my stomach was growling. I threw Kennedy a smug look and he chuckled faintly.

"Where do you wanna eat?" He asked and zipped up his backpack.

"Mind if I join?" A stern voice boomed before I had the chance to answer. I turned around and glared at Jayden in annoyance.

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