Chapter 45.

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Smith squealed in confusion and annoyance as he dropped his pacifier. Mrs Taraha's voice was one I would never forget. The thick accent and the odd melody she spoke with rang like an alarm clock in my head. It felt as if the entire world stopped spinning. For if the Earth stopped spinning, everything would collapse. Trees, buildings, the sea, living beings, everything not attached to the earth's bedrock, would all be flung to the side as if it was nothing, destroying everything in its path. Super volcanos would erupt around the world and spread thick clouds of ash in the sky and cover the ground in lava. Everything would be destroyed. That's how I felt. The organs in my stomach felt as if they had been sucked down gravity while my body froze to stone under the pressure of the anxiety I was expecting.

There was no time for me to be having an existential crisis. My baby was crying and that was my number one priority. So instead of standing there like an idiot, I picked the pacifier up, thoroughly brushed it off and put it back in Smith's mouth. "Shh..." I shushed. "Mama's got you, you're okay..." I coed quietly, giving him Eskimo kisses.

For years I had been a jerk, avoiding people and saying mean things for no other reason than feeling annoyed with the world. For my son, I was going to leave that person behind. For Kennedy, Jayden and myself, I would become a stronger and more mature person. Kind, calm, responsible and premeditated, no matter if life was scary or annoying.

"Hi, Mrs Taraha," I said, turning around to face my professor as I cradled my almost four-week-old baby with a shy smile. Her brown eyes darted between me, Jayden and Smith in confusion, glancing at the stroller and at Kennedy who awkwardly swayed beside me. "It's been a while..."

Both realisation, confusion and curiosity sparked in her brown eyes. There were so many questions she wanted to ask, too many. She seemed to be deciding which ones to leave out and which to prioritise.

"Are you alright?" Was the first one go leave her mouth. A delicate choice.

"I'm fine..." I chuckled.

"Who is this little cutie?" Was her next as she approached with a gentle smile.

How many times had I been rehearsing the answer in my head? Far too many. Yet none of it came in handy. As she asked about Smith, my heart fluttered and my pride took over. I stepped forward, showing him off with a smile. "This is my son... Smith," I mumbled softly. "Sorry for disappearing from class this last semester. I was busy cooking this little shrimp in my belly..."

She looked a bit stunned, staring at the baby I was holding with adornment. She looked between me, Jayden and Kennedy and began smiling warmly. The greying dark hair on her head was pulled back into a bun, her glasses too far down on her nose as they always were when she wore them. Despite being my professor, Mrs Taraha was probably the closest thing to a grandmother I had.

"You seem a lot happier..." Her heavy accent rang like a familiar bell in my head. It was comforting because it was nostalgic and because it brought a feeling of safety. This was the woman who let me sleep in her classroom and who not only cared for me as her student but also as a parental figure. She was wonderful.

"I am."

Off in the distance, partially hidden behind a tree stood a dark-haired woman with bright eyes, smiling gently as she looked in our direction. Her stature was tall and lean, dressed in a thin blouse and ripped denim shorts that stretched up to her waist, almost like a corset. She looked to be in her late thirties to early forties with tan skin free from blemishes. She was beautiful, stunning even. When the wind blew through her hair it would wave and dance, the dark locks glimmering in the sun. It looked soft as silk, shiny and long. Where she stood in a beam of light that broke through the treetop she looked like a guardian angel. Our eyes locked. Despite being far away, I could see the colour draining from her face, the gentle smile fading into a tight frown. She seemed scared of me. Looking at her, it seemed I had met her before. She looked like someone I knew. Perhaps that would explain why she suddenly skidded off after seeing me. Maybe I had offended her in the past. I sighed. It wasn't unlikely.

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