Chapter 42.

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His caramel skin was smooth to the touch, the thin locks of dark brown hair on his hair were soft and silky. His bright grey eyes glowed in the morning light that shone through the drawn curtains. Never before had I seen such small hands, such delicate feet or such tiny, precious nails. He looked a lot like Jayden, just even more perfect. There was nothing wrong with him, no flaw, no imperfections. The doctors said he was extremely healthy.

"He's beautiful..." my mom sniffled as she held my son in her arms. I was in the hospital bed, still unable to sit up properly since the muscles in my stomach had been sliced apart. If I wanted to sit up I had to pull myself up using a rope by the bed. "When are the boys coming back?"

"The nurses said they could both stay over during the nights so I guess they'll come after classes. Not sure if they work today, in that case, they'll come after that..." I muttered. My mom was cuddling Smith and I was jealous. He was my baby, not hers, yet she treated him as if he was hers. I frowned.

"You're so handsome!" She cooed. "Such a handsome baby boy!"

I turned to my dad who was pouting by my side. Mom would not let either of us hold Smith. When we tried to take him she would brush us off and say 'I'm not done yet! Just a few more minutes!'.

"Mom..." I groaned. She had been holding him for an hour and I hated how cold my arm felt without my baby on it. "Mom, can I have my baby back?"

"But he's not crying or anything? He likes me! Right, Smithy? You like your nana..."

"Cicely..." My dad sighed. "Give the boy his baby..."


"Micah carried him for nine months, not you."

"I carried Micah for nine months..." she pouted.

"And you got to hold baby Micah all you wanted, now give him his baby."

Mom looked hesitant, giving us her best puppy eyes as she sighed. I bit my lip, trying not to get angry. After glaring at my mother, something I had not done since puberty, she finally gave in and gave me my son back. Dad cuddled up next to me on the bed, gently stroking Smith's dark curls. Smith was a very quiet baby, he spent his awake time observing everything around him with those sparkling light eyes.

"He doesn't really look like me at all, does he?" I chuckled softly. It seemed Smith had inherited all of his features from Jayden.

"Well..." dad chuckled. "He's got your pointy ears... other than that... he's pretty much a lighter version of his dad..."

"I think he's prettier than Jayden." I snickered, rubbing Smith's small hand. "Jayden looks like a buffoon compared to you..." I gently flicked Smith's nose and he flinched, giving me a confused but amazed look. He was still so wrinkly and smushed, it was adorable and disgusting at the same time. He looked like an alien.

We got to go home after nine days in the hospital, mostly since Smith refused to poop. He looked extremely displeased when we stepped out into the sun. His little nose scrunched up and he frowned deeply, pouting and making little huffs and growling noises.

"He's your son alright..." Jayden teased and nudged my arm. "He's got your glare..."

"I will bite you..." I growled at him.

Grinning, Jayden tapped the side of his neck. "Yes please..." he snickered.

"Don't tease him," Kennedy mumbled. "He'll tear your throat out..."

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