- ᴇᴘɪꜱᴏᴅᴇ 4 -

67 6 0

Written 06.09.19
Released 17.10.19

Note* - Sorry for taking a while to upload i've been busy with a lot of things including school, Anyways hope you enjoy 💓

Episode 4 -

Jin youngs pov,

I could feel my face flash red with embarrassment, 'god why did i run into this room with him?! He probably thinks I'm gay', I thought to myself still facing the wall.

I could hear him chuckling quietly from the small distance that was between us two. He's probably amused by this, isn't he?

"okay you can turn around now, I'm done", he said whilst brushing the debris off his newly worn jumper.

I can't believe I'm saying this but damn, he looks better than me. What if Y/N falls for him? I thought to myself while quietly observing yoongi's uniform. I suppose it did fit him really well, with a build like his anything could look good on him, even if it was a literal garbage bag.

I notcied how a tiny smile lit up on yoongi's face as he caught me staring at him for too long.

"Alright, what's your name again.." he paused for a second then snapped his fingers and faced down then back at me, "...Jin young what lessons do we have next..?" as he fit his hands into his trouser pockets.

Flicking through the pages of my planner in a hurry I managed to find the time table, "we have maths".  I said trying to sound a little smarter.

I watched as his facial expressions changed and he head towards the door. "I guess we should get going".

Maths room, Y/N pov -

The lesson was getting increasingly boring as each second passed, i turned to lucas who was already occupied by his phone.
Pssst Lucaaaasss
I whispered whilst nudging his arm trying to gain his attention.

"Wanna skip next period?" I asked, sounding the slightest bit desperate. I really didn't want to go alone plus i wanted to confess my feelings for him as soon as possible. Even the thought of him with another girl made me feel sick to my stomach.

I've fancied him for a while now and i don't want to wait any longer to tell him. Maybe he likes me back, he certainly isn't pushing me away- i mean no other boy has caught my attention like he has. I want to call him mine.

"Sorry Y/N, but i value my education unlike you", he whispered back still keeping his eyes locked on his device. Confused, i looked over at what he was doing when i saw a notification from jihyo pop up. Too curious too look away i watched as they started texting eachother.

Sitting in shock, with my eyes glued onto his phone i saw as jihyo was flirting with him over text, asking him if he was down to hang out after school meeting at the mall by 4pm.  His reply? "Yeah sure, can't wait".

I looked away, my heart racing. I thought jihyo was my friend. I told her that i liked Lucas so why is she doing this? I thought to myself, feeling a little gutted. Who does that to a friend? I looked back down at my sheet of paper infront of me that jihyo was giving out, i watched on as she smiled at Lucas from the other end of the room and lucas smiling back.

I didn't know what to say, how to react, what to think. All i knew was that my best friend was trying something with my crush, as much as i was happy that she finally set her eyes on someone, it sucked too because right after i told her about my secret crush on lucas she did this. I just wanted to know what she would tell me at break, what lie will she come up with if i asked her to hang out with me?

A little part of me on the inside wanted to follow them and see what they would do. But isn't that going to far?

Flashback - Before the summer holidays.

In my own little world i dozed off, zoning out just thinking about Lucas again. His dreamy brown eyes and delicate facial features, as well as the fact he was kind and caring. He was definitely my ideal type.

"Oooh someones stuck on your mind.. i wonder who?" Jihyo said using her weird but funny voice.

I snapped back into reality and tried to play it off by laughing. "No, no.. it's nothing like that okay?"

she leant in closer, her hands on the table and face closer to mine. "Hey don't lie, you know you can tell me who right.." she whispered.

...fuck she's not going to leave me alone now is she?

"Fine..fine.. it was him again, you know.." i paused, taking a deep breath. "Lucas." Jihyos face turning stone cold, moving back a little. Her back now touching the chair again.

"Oh him" her frown quickly changed to a smile in a matter of seconds. A fake smile. But i brushed it off, i mean she told me how she doesn't like talking about boys prior to this conversation we had in the cafeteria.

"Anyways what about you? You fancy somebody here yet?" I tried to break the awkward silence. She shook her head "ani (short for aniyo/ no) nobody here has caught my attention, well from you know the guys but your secret is safe with me".

I could tell something was off by the way she was reacting to my answer. So to make sure that i had nothing to worry about i asked her, "do you like Lucas, please be honest.." 

I watched as she quickly looked at me, her cold and hard stare piercing through my soul. "No no, i don't! Did you just hear a thing I even said? Lets go get some icecream, it's really hot today", she said fanning herself and then proceeding to grab her bag and leave. I apologised and immediately dropped it. Maybe i am getting paranoid already.

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