episode 15

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Yoongi pov,

After several minutes of walking through a bunch of people stood together in groups in the middle of the hallway literally on every floor while following namjoon was getting tiring but It payed off after we reached the 3rd floor.

"Ah fuck I didn't expect you to be here!" Namjoon goes in for a fist bump, greeting his friend. His friend accepts and also shakes his hand afterwards, "yeah well I'm here though, you alright? You don't usually come early either and hey sup dude", he introduces himself. "I'm Taeil and you are?", he smiles warmly and also offers his hand, I smile back nonchalantly (calmy/in a relaxed manner) and take his hand. "Cool I'm yoongi".

"Nice, your new here aren't you?" He asks, namjoon fills for me. "Yeah he is he transferred this week from hyundai". "Ahh that's in another area much different to ours, how'd you like the swap?" He asks his eyes full of curiosity, I realise now he was scanning me up and down with his eyes.

"It's a nice change but how did you know where-" I was cut of by the rest of the students noisy arrival. The teacher also arrives, she unlocks the door with her gold coloured key that was heavily decorated with many, I think too many key chains. "In you go guys!", she speaks in her most enthusiastic voice.

All 3 of us guys just rush to the back, quickly deciding to sit on the table nearest to the window on the left.

"Hey hey hey, look who it is! It's my boys move up I'm coming through", a boy with a Jd bag on his back comes to join us along with his other friends who had to move onto another table which was the one next to us.

He sits facing opposite me, he gives me a little smirk. "Yoongi right?" He questions. "Yeah you got it right, who are you?" I reply feeling puzzled, is him knowing my name when I haven't talked to him before something to worry over? Namjoon interferes, "oh yeah this is Jackson, the guy I told you about earlier. Jackson this is yoongi, the guy y/n said you should maybe consider allowing on the team.. afterall we are 1 person short cause kyungsoo was kicked out".

"Oh yeah I don't mind being a replacement, I actually enjoy football and sports quite
a bit I usually play it often", I mention, "See! He knows what he's doing too", namjoon adds trying to convince Jackson.

"Yeah I'll think about it but first I'd like to see you after school for trials, since a lot of guys want to join I only want the best for the team, our school has quite the reputation you know", Jackson finishes talking and then takes off his bag, taking his books out. I nod my head, agreeing. I wouldn't want to ruin a schools hard earned reputation either.

Most of the lesson it was just us talking and getting on with the work, they invited me to hang out with them later, I guess I left a good enough impression for them to like me enough to actually want me apart of them. Although I do wonder who kyungsoo was and why he got kicked out, but again it's non of my buisness.

Fast forward to break.

The bell rang and all of the students flooded the hallway, it didn't take me to long to figure out Y/N wasn't present today since she would've come up to me by now. So I went to check out the canteen.

I couldn't help but start thinking about my old school and memories of bambam flooded my mind but I snapped out of it when it was my turn in the queue. "NEXT!",Yelled out the obvious student across from me serving. "Uh yeah what do you recommend?" I asked, unsure of what I wanted.

"Some water? You look like a dead zombie" ouch that hurt my ego a little but I could settle for some water. I chuckle at her comment, "says the one stealing a middle aged woman's job", she pauses and smiles. "Oh please I'm just being punished it's not like I actually want to do this" she rolls her eyes. "I don't know, you look pretty happy right now", taking the bottle from her hands. "Oh shut up already, that'll take 0.60 from your account", I nod and leave after entering my passcode.

I thought coming to this posh school would mean the students would be nicer.

A few periods later, end of the day

I had waited for the final bell to ring to finally get out of this lesson and go meet jackson on the football pitch, but since there was a lot of people in the hall It would take time and i needed to be quick and find a shorter way to go so he wouldn't scold me for being late,
I ended up grabbing my bag and fleeing out the door.

I ended up just trying to get past everybody, succeeding I managed to get to the pitch and dropped myself onto the bench outside, with my bag placed next to me I sat there admiring the view of the well built area, it was surrounded by trees and gates, I could even see the other modern white coloured buildings from across the street as it all looked well together, this was so different from my old school I am truly really fortunate to be here.

I felt the wind slightly pick up, the breeze making my face feel good. I took a Deep breath and looked around, I don't even own any football boots what if he doesn't let me play? I need to stop being so nervous.

I heard the rustling of leaves behind me and I saw the girl from earlier attempting to hide behind the Bush behind me, "hey there!" I turned around to face her, my head resting on my arm. "You good? You know.. I don't think this is a very good hiding place.. I can see you crouching" I said, tilting my head towards her.

"Shh! Please don't expose me! I really can't be caught right now, they are trying to force me to clean the boys bathroom!" She pleads, "it's so disgusting I felt like puking just from taking one step inside, not to mention it also stank". She begins to make puppy eyes, I didn't know what to say or how to react.

"Uh- okay? But I won't be here for long though so you'll have to save yourself" I state, glancing at my bag and then at the distance from the schools exit to where I was. Where is he?

"Cool cool, where are you going?" She asks, "To practise for football trials" I stand up and see Jackson coming from around the corner, he waves and I waved back.

"Wait.. with Jackson? That guy is not a good guy! He'll fuck you up anytime!" She yells behind me, I chose to ignore her and walk upto jackson..

Note from author!
Hey bitchesssss, sorry but I got 454 reads somehow which is super cool! It is currently 1:20am my boyfriend told me I should sleep a while ago and also my best friends but here I am, doing this for you guys. I have school later & i will edit this again when i return so obviously sorry for any mistakes or anything lmao I'm hella tired even my cat is sleeping on me. I am going to do the second upload tomorrow or something anyways good night I know this isn't the best rn

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