ᴇᴘɪꜱᴏᴅᴇ 8

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Jacksons pov.

I was still a little shocked from the suprise visit we got from the angry head teacher and how he yelled for Y/N to leave the lesson. We could all hear his yelling from outside, i hope Y/N is okay, she was already dealing with something else too..

I sat with my back slumped into the chair, my arms crossed with my feet poking out from underneath the table. "For the love of god" i sighed as i watched Y/N walk back inside, her face looking even gloomier than earlier.

She took tiny steps from the doorway to the seat next to mine, her head facing towards the ground with a frown. I look for jihyos reaction to her best friends poor state but i wasn't so suprised when she just turned back around to face lucas and continue with her conversation, smiling.

"Aish that bitch" i spat. How could she turn a blind eye to this type of stuff? So much of a bestfriend she is. I turn my head in Y/Ns direction, not taking my eyes off her, damn. Even when she's got tears glistening in her eyes, she still manages to put up a fake smile and pretend she's alright.

"Yah..Y/N" i tucked in my chair closer to hers, making the space inbetween us become tighter, i could hear her tiny sniffles as she was trying to hold back her tears. I couldn't help but pull her into a hug, her head resting on my shoulder with her tears now streaming i pat her back slowly and didn't say a word.

I couldn't care who was looking either, i was only focused on Y/N. If only i could take her pain away and put it on myself it would've made everything so much better. Neither of us ready to let go of eachother i felt her change her postion, digging her face in closer to my chest and now placing her arm on my shoulder for support. She was hiding her face from everybody.

The room became silent and now many eyes were on us so no wonder she did that, she doesn't like that type of attention and that was one of the many reasons why my heart would melt for her.

However the minute or two of silence was broken when taeil decided to yell out "Nobody tell irene!" And the room erupted with laughter, i couldn't help but smile myself. Who needs an irene when i have a beautiful Y/N? Eventually everybody got back to what they were doing and i checked my watch for the time to see it was around about this time where we should begin to pack up and prepare for break.

I looked down to find Y/N with her eyes closed, "Shit she really fell asleep on me.." i said to myself, admiring her adoringly. But she's not even my girl, yet i treat her like she's my wife. I knew i had to wake her up though, as much as i just wished i could cradle her in my arms for longer i also had to leave this classroom.

Pssssst Y/N i brushed the hair out of her delicate face and tucked it behind her ear for her so that she wouldn't have to. "Y/N you really need to wake up!" I said a little louder but only enough for her to hear it. "I'll give you 3 seconds before i tickle you and wake you up that way!" I warned her.

I watched as she slowly opened her eyes and looked around, her eyes meeting mine and her cheeks turning a rose shade of pink. She quickly removed herself from me and apologised.  "Oh my gosh i am so so sorry Jackson!  I don't know what came across me but I'm sorry please forgi-" i cut her off by telling her it was fine and she didn't need to worry and that she should just get more sleep at night.

And with that the bell rang and it was my que to leave, i was the first to head out followed by taeil and the others.

Y/N pov.

I felt my face heat up and turn a bright red, i was embarrassed. Did i really just fall asleep in Jacksons arms? Let alone hug him and cry on his shoulder for the rest of this period. "Awkwarddd" i laughed at myself for being so naïve. I finally collected all of my things and made my way out.

However whilst passing through the hallway i was greeted with comments about me and jackson like "aww you and jackson, how cute!!" And "So you're that close with him enough to have him cradle you like a baby? Damn you must be special". I tried my best to ignore these comments but some really got to me, especially when i saw irene herself stare right into my soul with those scary, piercing, angry eyes of hers when i walked past her towards the cafeteria to find jihyo.

She had her friends and herself follow me from the hallway to the cafeteria, waiting for the perfect time to pester me with questions and false accusations. I hadn't really given them much attention as they hadn't approached me yet so i took out my phone and began to drink my earlier brought banana milkshake waiting for Jihyo.

But before she could even come to the table, irene decided to make her move and caught me by suprise when she picked my drink up and threw it, the straw still hanging from my mouth, i removed it and looked up at this girl. Does she have no shame? Whats her problem, she better buy me another one of those! I stood up from my chair and was at eye level with this crazy maniac.

Note from author!

Hey dudes, its me again... I made another episode but this time at 1am with a full battery whilst blasting dionysus in my ears.

Anyways how are you guys? Also lets talk about how freaking clichè this episode is too, and hey its the first episode where its from jacksons pov. I mean he even admitted his heart is soft for Y/N. (Awww) don't worry if your a yoongi shipper, there will be plenty of yoongi x Y/N moments too!

Also i wanted to add that i will be adding a few more characters into this story, so you'll meet them in a few episodes time (Rather dangerous ones). First we need to create some actual drama and i mean irene is just quaking rn, she just grabbed Y/Ns milkshake and yeeted it. Jungkooks clearly disappointed on how poorly the banana milkshake just got treated. #justicefory/nsbananamilkshake, #bananamilkshakemistreatment

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