episode 14

36 4 1

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Yoongi pov,

Riding my bike through the city felt great, I never really realised how much it satisfied me, it calms me down and makes me feel like all the problems I face don't matter like POOF! They all disappear. But today.. I don't understand, why didn't it feel so good?

For some reason I just couldn't stop worrying, I tried to calm myself down but it's not so easy to take a big breath in and closing your eyes for a brief moment and then breathing out when your on a bike with a bunch of air flowing into your face anyways. In fact, it's quite dangerous..
readers thats me telling you not to try that so please don't try that, how are you going to read my horrible story In the afterlife if you get hit by a truck?

But why was I feeling so worried all of a sudden? I thought to myself, literally questioning myself. Oh yeah, maybe just cause my only friend skipped detention and maybe she doesn't even want to be my friend cause she has that Jackson boy anyways.. or those bitchy girls who fought her would make fun of her for talking to me.

I guess I'm stressing cause I have like no friends at all here. I guess I'll always be a loner wherever I go, but man I miss Bambam I feel guilty for leaving him behind I wonder how he's doing without me. Is he eating well? Is he still being picked on? Working towards his dream of being a wealthy buisnessman? But most importantly, is he feeling well mentally and physically? I guess I should give him a call sometime, maybe we could arrange to hang ou-


Fuck, I snap out of my thoughts and realise that I almost just crashed into an expensive looking car. Eomma and the owner wouldn't be too happy about that. "Mianhamnida!" I yelled out, I lowered my head for a second and then went my way, trying to avoid embarrassment I just stopped listening to my thoughts and ignored them, peddling my way to school faster.

- a couple of minutes of cycling later.

Finally, 'my legs are killing me' I said in annoyance, getting off. I held onto the handles and walked down a couple of steps till I found a place to park it, locking it onto a metal frame thingy. I made my way inside like every other student, I got to my locker.

I try putting in the code but I guess it just didn't want to work, of course it didn't want to work. I ruffled my hair up a bit in frustration. That's when I heard footsteps draw closer to me, "need some help?", Their voice sounding relaxed. As if they had become used to this problem and were masters of solving it. I turn around to face this mystery person.

"It's Namjun but you can call me rm for short", he introduces himself. " I'm yoonki you can just call me yoongs or just yoongi like how everyone else does" I smile back at him also moving to the side so he could work his magic.

I watched him as he slammed his arm against the locker, forcing it open also analysing his appearance, he was wearing the school uniform, his blazer was unbuttoned and his hood was visible from the back of his neck, so we had a clear view of his hoodie he wore over his shirt paired with the same black pants everyone including me were forced to wear, with black air force 1s. His bag hung over his shoulders. He also wore a silver watch on his wrist.

"Oh cool anyways, you new here bud? I haven't seen your face around here before apart from yesterday at lunch, you know when you stopped the fight between those girls?". He turns around to face me again.

"Uh yeah I transferred here from Hyundai high at the beginning of this week actually and the girls were getting pretty rough I just decided to help split them up before anything even more dangerous could have happened", I replied with full honesty.

"Oh yeah they were, apparently they had a fight cause she was jealous over some guy called Jackson, do you know him?" He asks, fiddling a little with his bag, placing it on his opposite shoulder whilst maintaining eye contact with me.

I turn around and place my stuff in the locker, emptying my bag but leaving the valuable stuff inside like my phone and wallet. "I've only really heard of him but I'm pretty sure he was the other guy who helped stop the fight, I didn't get that much of a good glimpse at his face". I turn back around after closing the locker.

Namjun looked at his watch then back at me, "oh yeah I should introduce you two, hes a really nice guy though he's also apart of the football team which I was wondering if you'd like to join?". Oh wow, a football team I thought, we didn't have those back in Hyundai but I remember bambam and me playing football in front of his house funnily enough him also telling me how much he'd love to join a football team but we didn't have one at our school.

I decided to go for it, since I could make some new friends out of it and also get a good kick out of it.. yeah sorry I know I'm not funny. since I have no life outside of the usual school hours at the moment. "oh yeah sure why not? I used to play football growing up too. I guess you could help me sign up though?".

"Sure we can go during break, what classes have you got next period 1 & 2?", he flicks through his damaged planner. "I have science & language next" he adds on, I quickly open up and also flick through my pages "oh me? I have science with mr choi and then english with ms kang". I close my planner and place it back into my bag, literally stuffing it inside.

"Oh we have the same teacher for science, we should head on early we have 5 minutes we can get the best seats at the back", he starts walking and so I followed, trying to keep up with his slightly longer legs.

Authors note!

Hey hi hello beautiful angel, what's up? You feeling good? I'm back and my ass kinda hurts from sitting on it all day lmao I didnt go to school today cause you know the usual period cramps I feel like us girls should be allowed to have a day off on the first day anyways cause you know its really painful, well for me? Anyways we are not here to talk about periods, I am here to thank you for 360+ reads! Damn that is a lot of people.. kinda overwhelming for me. I guess my new goal is 400 reads and 75 votes lol but thankyou guys sm, sorry I havent uploaded I kinda mentioned it in my announcement thingy I was rewriting the plot lool. I hope you guys will enjoy it and if you do don't forget to vote & follow I'm trying to reach 50 followers 💓

Also I just felt like putting this out there but It actually takes me an hour or two to actually write my stories and for some reason I can only do it in the night. All my episodes apart from maybe 1 or two were written in the night lol. I have school tomorrow 😔 happy taco Tuesday!

It's like 3 mins till 2am, good night y'all 💗 I might edit this tomorrow

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