ᴇᴘɪꜱᴏᴅᴇ 10

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Thankyou for 200 reads and 40+ votes, it means a lot and i can't believe I'm already writing my 10th part. 💓

Episode 10, Y/Ns pov.

I sat and watched as yoongi managed to get the students to leave, repeatedly yelling at them. Not long after, Jackson and his two friends helped escort irene out as well as seulgi and yeri. So it was just me and yoongi for a few minutes, he helped me up and got me to sit down at one of the cafeterias tables.

He drew back the chair to then quickly rush to my side and made sure i was comfortable.
I couldn't help but smile a little, so much as happened and i still remember my first impression of this boy, only a from a few hours ago, when i first set my eyes on him.

Flash back, episode 5.

I kept my eyes on the new boy, he seemed familar but i couldn't exaclty remember where i saw him before. I think if i remember it correctly his name being yoongi.

I was too busy getting distracted by his good looks and seemingly player personality. How have any of the girls (and the gays) in here not passed out yet?

I noticed him staring at me, his stare sending a shiver down my spine causing me to feel a little shocked that i had caught the attention of a boy as hot as him, i tucked my hair behind my ear and walked towards the door, where jinyoung and yoongi were. Yoongi's body resting on the door frame, his arms crossed and a wide smirk resting on his face as i came closer.

But i also remember clearly of what happened next.

About to walk past him, he lifted his leg and blocked the exit. "What are you doing?" I asked sarcastically. "I need to get to my next lesson in time so if you-" he cut me off before i could finish. "You need to answer three questions of mine first".

"No way, now move you cow". Yoongi only raised his leg higher, jinyoung watching him with a confused gaze. "What are you doing yoongi? Thats my sister Y/Nie!

I gulped, feeling a little angry at jinyoung for calling me that in front of everyone but mostly i felt nervous, what does yoongi want to ask me, do i even know him?

Yoongi let out a laugh, "Y/Nie? Thats cute, okay only 2 questions more and you're free".
"Yah Y/N hurry up will you!" The people behind us yelled.

-End of flash back-

Yeah sure he looked like he was all tough but i could tell he was a big softie by the way he would look at me, the way he would talk to me and how he was already trying to comfort me. We haven't even known eachother for that long yet and he's treated me a lot better than my own best friend jihyo did.

But i didn't want to catch feelings as i learnt that for me.. i didn't deserve any body. Not after what i did so many years back. Even the thought of it made my heart feel heavy full of sorrow and guilt. I didn't deserve anybody's love.

I looked back up at yoongi, who was making funny faces in an attempt to get me to smile. He couldn't help but laugh at himself too.

"So Y/N.." he slowly speaks.
"Yeah what?" I replied, my face aching every time i moved my mouth.
"Wait hold on your lip is bleeding", before i could do anything i sat there frozen still as he gently carresed my bruised face with his soft hands, his fingers trailed from one side of my lip to the other.

He successfully wiped the blood off my lips, making me worry a little, why did i like the feeling of his finger tips touching my lips like that-? He did it so effortlessly too.

"Y/N! There you are, oh my gosh are you alright?" The school nurse ran to me, yoongi quickly seperating himself from me and letting out a tiny cough.

I nodded, "I survived thanks to one person" i look over at yoongi and gave him a caring smile. Non verbally thanking him for jumping inbetween everyone to save me. He returned the same smile.

"Well thats good and i don't think I've seen you around before, you are?.."
"Min yoongi, i transfered from hyundai high", yoongi introduced himself, offering a hand to the nurse
"Oh.. h-hyundai you say?", the nurse stuttered and yoongi was quick to notice, he seemed rather confused. Slowly dropping his hand after she didn't shake his hand.

In all fairness, she did seem rather nervous all of a sudden, i wondered why.

"Anyways lets go to my office and we can sort you out, come along too yoongi", me and yoongi both got up from our chairs and left.

Jacksons pov - head teachers office.

I sat with my back straight against the chair, however this was no ordinary chair yet a special chair reserved for only class presidents like i, Jackson wang myself. My chair had wheels so i would use my foot to pedal me from side to side at a slow pace.

I couldn't keep Y/N off my mind, the image of her i had pictured in the cafeteria after irene and her pals decided to lay her hands on her annoyed me and i wanted to make sure they received a good punishment so that they could pay for what they did to Y/N.

When the head teacher left the room for a cup of coffee, it was no surprise to me how Irene made her way infront of me and tried reaching out for my hand in support, whilst making puppy eyes and horribly trying to do a good ayego. "Oppa.." she begged, "please forgive me!".

Seulgi and Yeri encouraging her to carry on, i had enough. I got up from my chair and told irene to sit back in her own chair and wait for the head teacher to return in silence as i stepped out the room to find him.

Note from author -

Hola mi amigos, I can't speak spanish, i knew more spanish as a child from watching dora compared to now. But did anyone ship her and diego and then get really disapointed when he's her cousin, it was like the same feeling as finding out that sporticus was a grown man and i shipped him with stephanie from lazy town. Anyways why am i talking about my favourite childhood shows *despite dora and her "do you see the red barn? WheRe?" Questions that honestly made me want to hit my head through the tv and have it come out through the other side.

This story is like boots x dora shippers vs diego x dora shippers. And then those people who ship both or don't ship any.

Also yes im aware that im a terrible person because I'm making the readers (you guys) decide who u ship more. Buttttt a 3rd love interest will be joining soon, very soon. I take back what i said like idk how many episodes ago about new characters being introduced in but they are not coming any time soon (yet).

Soon im going to be a little sad that this story won't be as cliche and cute it is now, it'll be full of broken dreams and heart aches. I'll let you guess what happens but shh no spoilers.

Please don't be a silent reader and vote this, share it with people you think would like this pls thank u 💓

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