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I tapped my foot against the cold hard pavement as I waited in line. One by one slowly girls hurdled into the building.

In front of me in line I could see blondes, brunettes, and redheads. All with different body shapes and similar sleazy outfits. It was fitting though, as we all needed to make a statement to stand out.

After all this was an audition, not just any audition, but an audition to be an Official Crüe Slut for the band Mötley Crüe.

There were only 2 spots available and there are at least a hundred girls in here, so the competition was pretty tuff.

This was a once in a lifetime opportunity to go on tour with Mötley Crüe and I was wasn't about to mess it up due to nerves.

"Next!" The doorman shouted. He was dressed in all black and had an outdated haircut straight out of the 70s.

When everyone arrived we were assigned numbers then had to line up in order of our numbers.

The number on my stomach read 78, so I was close to the end of the line when auditions had started.

The line had moved somewhat at a fast pace, considering each girl could have no more than a 2 minute audition. These were very busy people after all.

"Next!" The man yelled again. As I got closer I saw his name tag had "Dave" written on it. At this point there were 2 other girls ahead of me before it was my turn.

The building almost looked like a warehouse. It had 2 rooms only separated by a flimsy wall the looked like it could collapse at any moment.

The audition room was on the other side of the door and I was praying the floors were the same as what I was currently standing on.

The floor was a textured concrete so I know I wouldn't slip on my heels in it during my routine.

When my agent had told me about the audition, he had immediately informed me I had to have singing and dancing experience, along with a good body, and a pretty face.

They were looking for hot chicks basically with talent which was up my alley.

Prior to this I had spent 2 years on broadway, but I was looking for something more exciting. I moved to Hollywood from New York about 6 months ago and it's but nothing but auditions. Mostly for small commercial parts, but now that I had some experience under my belt I was hungry for more.

"Next!" Dave yelled spiting in my face. "Oh fuck" I thought to my self, It was my turn.

I put on my biggest smile and sat up straight, waltzing straight in to the audition room.

I immediately noticed the band sitting behind the table with their feet kicked up over it, while other important looking people were writing things down on clip boards.

I had seen them in pictures, but I never thought about what they would be like up close.

The lead singer stood out from all them like a soar thumb, he was the only one with blonde hair while the others had black.

I noticed the guitar players bruiting face right away, but it was the base player and the drummer who I always had gotten mixed up especially when they had makeup on.

"What's your name doll face?" the blonde, I think his name was Vince asked me.

The other boys just stared at me smirking while I answered "Annette" I said batting my eyelashes.

"Well Annette" one of the men with the clipboards said with out looking at me "which Crüe song will you be auditioning to."

The audition was simple, they told you to pick out a Mötley song and be able to dance and sing backup to it.

Each girl was given the same moves to do, but I think they were looking for a bit more personality and flare, which is probably why they let you choose which song you wanted.

"Wild Side" I say nodding my head. I knew it was the obvious choice and probably something they have heard a bunch today, but I had a trick up my sleeve.

"Alright Annette lets see what you've got, roll the tapes!" The man yelled towards the back of the room.

As I heard the initial riff of the song, I pulled the mike stand that was beside me to in front of me, which seemed to spark the boys interest.

I began to do the designated moves when I heard Vince's voice on the track. I began swaying my hips and flipping my hair around when I heard "Hollywood dream teens."

As the song picked up I readied my voice to sing "Wild Side" with a strong and steady tone.

I kept up the routine not missing a move and hitting the notes perfectly until finally the track was stopped and my audition was over.

"Alright Annette, well thank you very much, you basically did everything we asked for. Do you guys have any questions for her before we move on?" The guy with the clipboard said turning his head to the band.

They were all starting at me intently as I stood there awkwardly. The guitar player just shrugged his shoulders, while the 2 boys with black hair stroked there chins. Meanwhile Vince just continued to smirk at me.

"Have you done this before?" The boy with the straight black hair asked me.

"Not with a band, but I've had broadway experience" I retort hoping they don't hear the nerves in my voice.

"So why did you want to do this then?" The same guy asks me again.

"Because it's the 2 things I love most rock music, and preforming. It would be the perfect job so I didn't wanna pass on it." I say like it's obvious.

"So your a fan?" Vince chimes in.

"Okay that's enough." The clipboard guy says "we really should be moving on."

I do a slight curtsy "thank you for your time gentlemen." I say trying to be as charming as possible.

"No thank you!" The boy with black wavy hair says, he had a pair of drum sticks in his hand so I figured he was the drummer. The boy with straight black hair had to be the bass player then.

I let out a giggle as I strutted out of the room, almost tripping on my own feet from excitement. What a rush that was.

I feel like first chapters are always the hardest to get through, but it gets better I promise!


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