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The Next Day

Nikki's POV

"So let me get this straight." I say to Tommy.

He had banged on my door at about 1:00pm claiming he had a story to tell me.

This had woken me up and I was naked with the remains of smack all around me from last nights events.

I didn't feel like putting clothes on, so I told him that I didn't fucking care about his story and to go away, then he said he had coke so I let him in.

So here we were sitting on my bed and doing coke for breakfast. Some people have coffee, but this is our morning ritual.

I had just snorted a line and began rubbing my nose while I continued "you tried to fuck Annette, but she wouldn't let you?"

Was I mad Tommy made a move on her? No. I would only be mad if she did.

"Not only that dude! She totally freaked the fuck out!" He says.

I snicker knowing why, but decide to keep it to myself "man just tell me what happened."

"Okay!" He says wiping his nose "so we had spent pretty much the whole day together right? And so I decided to take her out and show her the town and you know get away."

"Yeah." I say beginning to become uninterested due to the coke in front of me.

"And everything was going good, we were having fun, doing body shots and shit." Tommy says.

"Dude just get to the point!" I groan before leaning down to do another line.

"Well long story short." Tommy begins "we made out at the club or whatever, and I was gonna be respectful and wait and fuck her till we got back."

I roll my eyes "leave out the fucking details!"

"Okay, Okay!" Tommy says rubbing his hands through his hair "when we got back to my room she started telling me how good of a friend I was and blah blah blah. All I really wanted to do was stick it in her, so I started trying to take her cloths off and she just lost it."

Now I was interested "lost it how?" I ask.

"Blew her cap, lost her shit, hit the ceiling, went ballistic." He says using lots of hand motions.

"Okay now I am actually asking for the details!" I say annoyed.

"She fucking pushed me off her then started flailing at me then yelling at me, then just stormed out of the room! But I thought she wanted it, so I was confused as hell!"

I laugh and run a hand through my matted hair "there's something I should probably tell you."

Annette's POV

Stacey gasps "He didn't!"

We were in our room talking about what happened with Tommy last night.

Stacey was here when I got back last night, but not here when I woke up this morning. I literally have no idea where this girl runs off too all the time.

"He did!" I say "and I just freaked out! We aren't even halfway through the tour and I've already slept with half of the band! I didn't wanna make it the majority."

"Did it just come out of no where?" Stacey asks.

I ponder "I mean we made out and whatever earlier, but I was drunk as shit and I just wasn't thinking."

"I honestly thought you guys were just friends." Stacey says.

"Well friends can make out!" I say "fucking is what crosses the line."

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