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About a week has have gone by and I still haven't heard from my agent about the Mötley Crüe audition.

Work was beginning to lesson and my income became slim. I wanted to keep my schedule open in case I got the job, but as time passed on I was running out of money.

I left home as soon as I graduated high school. My parents were both in sales so we had lived a comfortable middle class life with me taking dance classes ever since I was a teenager.

My parents told me they would cut me off if I didn't go to college, which I didn't so I've been supporting myself ever since then.

I've had success though, Broadway was a big deal and after that getting jobs became easier and I realized that I didn't need the help of my parents for anything.

On my way home from the market I grabbed a paper with job listings on it, becoming desperate for the first time in a while.

I figured I should start looking for another job.  I probably didn't get the Mötley Crüe gig, if it's been this long.

After I put my groceries away I started brewing coffee for my afternoon pick me up. I sipped it as I flipped through the pages of the paper looking for jobs that caught my eye.

"Wanted: Female dancer with model experience" I didn't have any model experience, but how hard could it be? I circled it anyway.

I continued circling jobs with a sharpie when my phone started ringing, I took my coffee with me as I answered it.

"Hello?" I chime cheerfully taking a drink.

"Annette it's Steve! You got it! You got the Mötley Crüe job!"

I choke on my coffee coughing and gagging before I can respond. "What! Oh my god are you serious? Why, h-how? I stutter.

"They told me they were really impressed by you, and you had been exactly what they were looking for." Steve says.

I can feel myself getting light headed from excitement "Really? Steve this is huge!"

"I know" he laughs over the phone "they want you at rehearsals tomorrow, I hope you don't have any other jobs lined up because you will be doing this for a while."

"Oh trust me I don't anymore" I say throwing the paper in the garbage.

"You will be rehearsing at the same place auditions were." He says.

"Easy enough" I say wiping the spit up coffee off my shirt with a towel. "Did they give you any details?"

"Well they like to sleep inn so you don't need to be there till about 3, and just wear your basic rehearsal clothes. They also said to bring a pair of heels, and be prepared to stay late."

"Anything else I need to know?" I ask biting my nails.

"Be on time! Try your best and don't worry about packing food or anything cause they have all that catered."

"Well that makes things easy." I say thinking of all the messy sack lunches I've had to bring in the past.

"And Annette." Steve says.

"Yeah?" I ask.

"Remind them why they hired you."

I smile creeps on my lips "oh I know they won't regret it."

"Good! Then I will tell them your on board! You will get the full show schedule tomorrow."

"Thanks so much Steve, you have no idea what this means to me."

TEN SECONDS: Mötley CrüeWhere stories live. Discover now