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One Month Later
August 19th, New York

Ring Ring Ring

Ring Ring Ring

My eyes shoot open at the sound of the phone. I look over at my clock and see that it's 2pm.

"Hello." I say my voice groggy.

"Good morning best friend! This is your official wake up call Tommy Lee style."

"Oh good I was hoping someone would wake me up." I groan looking beside me and seeing that Stacey wasn't in the room.

Recently Tommy has been my go to guy. Mostly because his persona never changes, which is refreshing.

He's always fun to be around and super high energy. So I know what to expect from him, unlike some people.

"Oh come on grumpy pants!" He says "We have the day off today and I'm bored!"

"Well." I say rubbing my eyes "what do you usually do on your day off?"

"Depends." He says "I wanted Heather to fly out, but she couldn't. And I'm tired of Nikki, and I already kicked out the girl from last night. So what can I say, I'm at a loss."

"Don't strip clubs have a like a lunch special or something you can go to?" I ask.

"Ha ha ha." He says sarcastically "your so funny."

"I try." I smirk.

"I was actually thinking that you and me should do something." Tommy says.

"Oh yeah? And what's that?" I ask him.

"I don't know why, but I'm in the shopping mood." He says.

I burst out laughing "really?" I ask him "what are you looking to buy?"

"Check it, so you know Chrome Hearts right?" He asks.

"Pretty sure I do." I say.

"Well they just came out with these leather ass-less chaps and I need them!" He boasts.

"You need them?" I ask.

"Yeah! Think of how sick they would look on stage!" He says.

"Tommy you moon people every night! If really wanna shock them, you should just go out naked." I say.

"Don't temp me." He says "I would if I could."

I laugh "oh I know."

"So what do you say? You wanna come with me?" He asks.

"I mean do I really have a choice?" I ask.

"Not really. I'm just gonna kidnap you if you say no." He laughs.

"Well then I guess I'm coming!" I say.

"Sick! Meet me in the lobby in 15!" He says.

Nikki's POV

Hate this show, hate this fucking show, fuck the news, I hate this show.

Jesus is there nothing good on television anymore?

Bored with the fucking lame ass tv I scan my room for something else to do.

The only thing on me was a sheet, I have no idea what happened to the fucking comforter.

I think some girl took it, which really sucks because I was fucking freezing last night.

Like I always say chicks equal trouble.

TEN SECONDS: Mötley CrüeWhere stories live. Discover now