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After the show

After me, Tommy, and Nikki pulled our little prank on Doc we were called to the stage.

We literally had to run to our spots, because the prank ended up taking us longer than we thought.

It was worth it though, I Hope Doc felt the wrath of Nikki and Tommy's evil minds because he deserved it.

The show ended up being super tight. I don't know if it was because everyone was starting to get frustrated being on the road and took it out on their instruments or what is was, but it was good.

I always appreciated being on Nikki's side of the stage too. He had so much energy tonight, he was doing jumps and rolling around, it was entertaining to say the least.

When bows came around Nikki did the thing where he would grab me and not let me leave his side. This is how I knew he was in good mood.

If me and Nikki were fighting I dreaded the bows, but since we were actually on the same team tonight he was acting much more warm towards me, which I appreciated.

Everything was going great up to that point, until the show ended and the band, and me, and Stacey were whisked by security into a room backstage.

They made us sit down, much to the dismay of Nikki and Tommy, then had us wait there before the door opened revealing someone else.

It was Doc. His face was cherry red and it looked like he was about to have a heart attack. Looks like we had done a good job pranking him.

"Alright" Doc says starting to pace back and fourth "who did it?"

"Did what?" Vince asks eagerly"dude why are we in here?"

"Yeah!" Tommy chimes in "I wanna leave!"

"Don't act like you don't know!" Doc says crossing his arms.

I hold back a laugh and look to Tommy and Nikki who are fighting smiles, while everyone else just looks confused.

"Well don't just stare at each other!" Doc starts to throw a fit "come on, who did it?"

"Well maybe Doc," Nikki starts "if you tell us what you are talking about, then we can help you out."

Doc takes a breath in an attempt to calm himself down "let me paint you a picture." He says "I'm making hotel arrangements for the next city, when suddenly my fucking door catches on fire! I barley made it out of the room on time assholes! Thank god there was a fire extinguisher near by!"

Nikki and Tommy immediately start cackling before Nikki says "how are you so sure it was us?

"Because you guys are the only ones with access to the room I was in." He says matter of factly "plus it's always one of you!"

"Well it wasn't me!" Vince says standing up "so I'm outta here."

"Not so fast!" Doc says grabbing his arm.

"Dude get the fuck off me! I told you it wasn't me! It was obviously the terror twins over there!" He points to Nikki and Tommy.

"I second that." Mick says standing and going next to Vince "can I go now?"

Doc looks back and forth between Vince and Mick, and Nikki and Tommy before saying "fine you two go!"

"What about me!" Stacey says standing up "obviously it wasn't me!"

Doc looks at Stacey then at me "I don't know you well enough to make that judgment."

"Oh come on!" Stacey says rolling her eyes and sitting back down.

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