UA Entry Exams

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UA was always my dream school. Entry exams came around and I was more nervous than I'd ever been. I knew some people who were applying because we went to the same middle school but other than those two, I knew nobody. Of course my dad supported me the whole way but I wasn't that confident.

I was a late bloomer when it came to my quirk. I didn't get it until last month and I still don't know how to work it that well. My quirk is called "Time Freeze". As the name says, I can stop time within a bubble and freeze whoever is in that bubble. If I tap the person inside my bubble, they'll unfreeze but time will still stand still in the bubble. The downfall to my quirk is that outside the bubble, time is still moving and I still can't use it for very long.

My quirk is probably made for catching criminals rather than fighting but that's what I hope to work on if I get in UA. I still can't make the bubble very large, but that's also something I can always improve. If I can get my combat skills up, I can attack the person within the bubble and as soon as I unfreeze, they'll feel the damage.

I can even use my quirk to dodge things! If someone tries to shoot me, I could freeze time and move out of the way or move the bullets. There's endless amounts of things I can do with my quirk, but because it only lasts for a short period of time, I can't just walk up to a villian. I'd get hit at point blank range.

Beep Beep Beep

I grab my phone and turn off the annoying sound of my alarm. "4:30am is too early to be waking up," I say in a lazy voice as I throw my phone to the other end of the bed. "WAIT!" I spring up and check my phone. On the lock screen I see a notification that reads "UA Entry Exams Today!!!" Squealing to myself, I hopped out of my bed, brushed my teeth, washed my face, put on some comfortable athletic wear, and head out to the park to train.

Of course I start with stretches to get my blood pumping while listening to music through my headphones to get me hype. Once done stretching, I took a deep breath in and forcefully extended my arm with my palm facing out. The once falling leaves stopped in midair. It was beautiful but it didn't last long. I tried to walk up to the leaves and unfreeze them one by one, but my time freeze ran out and I couldn't do anything. I repeated this process trying to unfreeze the leaves over and over again for what seemed like hours, and it did take hours.

My phone vibrated and it was another alarm I set the night before. "Shit! Seven thirty? I'm going to be late!" I said to myself, running out of the park in a hurry.

I arrived at UA at the same time as a lot of the other students. The school is so beautiful and is so much bigger in person than I thought it would be from the pictures I've seen, but I couldn't just stand there and admire it. If I did, I was going to be late. I started speed walking towards the stairs, but tripped over what seemed like air. At that point my mind went blank and i didnt even think about using my time freeze. I closed my eyes and braced myself for impact, but I didn't hit the ground. I slowly opened my eyes, wondering what the hell was happening, and I felt a hand on my shoulder helping me stand straight again.

"Sorry. You looked like you were in a situation and I just wanted to help but sorry I didn't ask." A sheepish voice said next to me. I looked over and saw a girl about the same height as me looking down almost as if she was embarrassed.

"It's fine really! You saved my face from the ground." I said and we both laughed. "Hi I'm (y/n)."

" I'm Ochaco Uraraka, but you can just call me Uraraka. Nice to meet you." she said and smiled.

"Nice to meet you too." I replied.

We once again started to walk towards the stairs until, from the corner of my eye, I saw a boy in the same predicament that I was in just a minute ago. He was falling face forward with his face inches away from the ground. This time, my instincts came in and I shot a time freeze bubble big enough for the two of us and rushed over before my time freeze ran out. Uraraka stared outside the bubble in astonishment. I tapped the boy with one hand and held him with the other to make sure he didn't fall.

As if on cue, my time freeze ran out and the boy finally got his balance.

"Are you okay?" I asked. He put his hand behind his head and looked away.

"Yeah. Thanks. I kinda just accepted my fate after I felt myself falling." He answered. He looked nervous so I tried to lighten the mood the best way I could think of.

"It's okay. I tripped over air just a few minutes ago. At least you had a rock." I said jokingly.

I knew my attempt was successful when I heard the most adorable laugh. I looked over and I could see his cheeks as red as a tomato. I couldn't help but blush myself.

"Yeah I guess you're right. I'm Izuku Midoriya, but most people just call me Deku." He said looking back in my direction.

"I'm (y/n), but most people just call me (y/n)." I said in a terrible attempt to flirt.

Jeez (y/n) what the hell was that? You sound stupid. Of course people call you (y/n). That's your freaking name, I thought to myself.

"I never got to say, but I think your quirk is really cool," Deku said with a warm smile on his face.

"Thanks!" I said, returning the warm smile he gave me. "I can't wait to see yours."

Uraraka came over. Both me and Deku's crimson red cheeks faded and we both stiffened.

"If you two don't hurry, were going to miss the orientation!" Uraraka said, snapping us both back to the realm of reality.

I looked around and we were the only three people standing outside. We all gave each other a look and ran towards the door like our lives depended on it, because it basically did.

Once in the auditorium, Present Mic explained how the exams would work. I was even more nervous. My quirk can't stop those robots. I can freeze it for like 10 seconds, but then what? I couldn't punch the hard metal exterior and break it. I was definitely gonna fail. I almost cried then and there, but I held my composure.

We were led to what looked like a whole city. Who knew UA had this type of space and money. The gates opened and i loud horn went off signaling that the test had begun and people rushed in like they've done this before. I ran in too so that I wouldn't be left behind. Deku was in trouble from the start so I froze the robot long enough for him to get away.

Helping people was all I could do at this point. I went around freezing the feet of robots because i still couldn't make big bubbles, so that people could hit their target easily or so that they could get away. Towards the end of the exam, I saw Uraraka stuck under a rock from a fallen building and behind her, the biggest number 4 robot. This robot was bigger than all the other robots in every way possible.

Even if I can't pass, I'm not gonna let anyone get hurt, especially my friend, I thought to myself.

I sent out the biggest freeze bubble I could to stop the robot in its tracks, giving me a drastic headache, but I didn't give up. I ran towards Uraraka and pulled her from under the rocks and swung her over my shoulder and ran. We were both the same size and i wasn't the strongest, so I did struggle. We weren't completely out of range of the robot and I was scared for my life.

At the same time, I saw Deku spring up and punch the robot so hard that he broke it. He saved us, but he was still falling. Uraraka used the rest of the power she had to break his fall. When he hit the ground safely, I blacked out.

I woke up in recovery girls nursery in one of the four beds. I sat up and saw Uraraka in the nurses bed across from me, but she was still nauseous and was throwing up in the trash can next to her. I looked to my right and saw Deku.

"Deku? What are you doing in here?" I asked

"I hurt my arm real bad when I punched that robot." He said and raised his arm. Clearly he was in pain. "What are you doing here?" He asked me.

"I think I blacked out. Last I remember, I had this terrible headache. Then you punched that robot and Uraraka helped you land safely." I told him.

As soon as I finished my sentence, Recovery girl walked into the room and gave us all a kiss on the cheek. Uraraka wasn't throwing up anymore, Deku's arm wasn't purple and my headache was gone.

"Okay kids. Here's the rundown. Deku, You can't push yourself so hard. If you do, you could permanently hurt yourself to the point where I can't heal you." Deku nodded showing he understood. "Uraraka," she continued, "You went over your limit and I know you already know that this is the result". Uraraka looked away out of embarrassment. "And lastly (y/n), Making time freeze bubbles that big without training puts an incredible strain on your brain. If you keep this up, you might cause permanent brain damage to yourself." She finished.

Unlike Uraraka, who had already known what happens to her, me and Deku were shook. At this rate, neither of us could ever become a hero. Not that I thought I could at this point. I know that failed the exam. It was just a matter of time before I got the letter.

"Okay all of you are healed. You can go back home now." Recovery Girl said as she left the room.

Uraraka left first.

"Bye everyone." she said before leaving the room.

Deku left next.

"Good luck (y/n)." he said with a sad expression on his face as he left the room. Did he fail too?

I sat there and thought about the events that took place at the entry exams today and what recovery girl said. Brain damage is pretty serious. After worrying myself about everything, I gathered my stuff and went home.

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