(Todoroki pt.4) Mingling Where We're Unwanted

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I had to reread the last chapter to remember what was going on😂. Did you have to too?
Slight spoilers for Season 3 in this chapter but I'm sure everyone's on 4 at this point.

"And no one is on the training grounds either. They're all being worked on after being destroyed so many times." Kaminari said.

"Maybe that's where we should be looking." Bakugo said.

"Should we split up? It would be quicker since there are multiple training grounds? Kaminari asked finally speaking up to the group conversation.

"Dammit Kaminari no! Haven't you ever seen a horror movie?" I retorted. He looked over at the rest of the group for backup but everyone including Bakugo just turned their heads like they didn't hear anything.

"I mean, she's right though." Todoroki said pointing his thumb towards me.

Kaminari looked over to Bakugo but he just shrugged his shoulders and went along with it.

"Well anyways, this is what we should do..." Iida started. The rest of the class including me surrounded a desk while he drew out the plan.

Basically, we would go and take the advanced no-hands radios that real heroes used when going on missions because they were small and unnoticeable, but also reached across large distances. Those were located near where our hero costumes were so we would get those when we went to gear up.

Second, instead of splitting up to go to each training ground, we would take on the training grounds one at a time, splitting into groups of two with Denki, Mineta, and Shoji in a group of three because Kaminari and Mineta needed to be watched the closest. Other than that, everyone else was pared by how well our quirks worked together. Of course, as usual, Todoroki was my partner.

We came up with code names over the speaker because it was easier to address both people, but also incase whoever we were going up against were bigger than we thought and did their research on the infamous class 1-A.

Shoji, Kaminari, and Mineta were team 'Yay'
(Inspired by Kami). Bakugo and Kirishima were 'Hard Explosions'(recommended by Bakugo, and yes we all know it doesn't sound right). Iida and Uraraka were team 'Fast Gravity' which went together, but at the same time didn't, and so on with the rest of the pairs.

Hopefully lastly, we find where everyone is and it was just a big surprise party for our class, or maybe a test to see what we would do. If not, we would have to leave the school. Without knowing what happened to everyone, it would be unsafe to stay. We could disappear too.

After the plan was explained, everyone nodded their heads to show they understood. We huddled around the classroom door and slid it open carefully and quietly. Even thought we were the only ones in the school, we didn't make any unnecessary sound.

We inched our way toward where our costumes were. While the girls changed, the boys went to get the headsets. When we were done, while the boys changed, the girls kept watch while putting on our headsets and making sure they were all connected properly. Afterwards, we made our way out of the school.

"We're gonna go check the entrance to see if there was any forced entry. If not, we still need to make sure there's a way out." Iida said walking off with Uraraka. "Everyone else stand by."

At this point, he was too far away for us to hear his normal voice, but the radios picked up what was said. They were surprisingly clear for being radios. Usually when people are walking around with radios, whether it be heroes or the police, I can't understand a thing that's being said. Maybe that's for the better of it not being my business, but if my young ears can't hear it than how is a well experienced hero supposed to?

We all waited quietly at the entrance of the school building for Iida and Uraraka until we heard something over the speakers.

"Well there doesn't seem to be any forced entry, but the door is also sealed shut. If this door is closed then I doubt there's any other way out of here." Iida started over the speakers. "And with UA's new security, without that door open, no one can get in either so we can't call for help."

"What about the control room?" I asked over the speakers, but everyone else around me could hear my normal voice just fine.

"Even then, I don't think that would help. The door looks like it's closed by using someone else's quirk, probably along with the rest of the possible exits." Uraraka said over the speakers. "We'll meet you guys at training ground A. Everyone, move out."

"Rodger that." We all said in unison.

"Finally no more waiting. It's time for action. I can explode whoever did this right in their face." Bakugo said calmly, but with an evil smirk on his face and mini explosions popping from his hand, too small to draw attention, but noticeable to the people already looking at him.

"Try not to get kidnapped this time Bakugo. We might not have enough time to save you again." Todoroki said with his usual calm expression, glaring over at Bakugo.

"Ehhhhhhhh? What was that you Canadian flag?" Bakugo said slightly raising his voice, getting angrier by the second.

"Break it up you two." Deku said from ahead looking back at them.

"You want some too you discount tree?!" Bakugo said snapping back at Deku.

"See, this is the type of attitude that gets people kidnapped." Todoroki said bringing Bakugo's attention back to him.

Mineta and Denki could hardly hold in their laughs and neither could I. I elbowed Todoroki's arm, but when he saw me chuckling, he almost burst out laughing too. Everyone else didn't find our dark humor that funny, but the four of us we're cracking up. Even Deku couldn't hold back a smile.

"We're here." Iida said snapping us all back into reality. We were so busy laughing that we didn't even notice when team 'Fast Gravity' got back.

"Let's Go!" Kirishima said pumping his fist in the air.

We all split up into our teams to search the training grounds and agreed to meet up at the entrance on the other side.

See? Chapters. Wattpad decided not to sync changes so that was a pain especially since I forgot what I even put🤦🏾‍♀️ But I got it done.

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