(Todoroki pt.7) Trust is Important

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"Wait, if we're all in one place because the radios are jammed, then who jammed the radios?" Deku asked.

"Oh no! We played right into the enemy's hands." Todoroki said.

We all looked around each other. The thoughts of a traitor still lingered.

Uraraka stuttered. "What if the enemy is right here?"

Everyone looked around at each other. Even I was skeptical of some of my classmates.

"I think Denki did it."

"What me?" Denki asked.

I looked around to see who accused Denki, but couldn't figure it out. I should be able to recognize everyone's voices by now right?

"I don't think he did it. No offense, but Denki isn't smart enough to plan something this elaborate." Momo said.

"Hey!" Denki shouted.

"What if he was being controlled." Iida asked pushing up his glasses.

"Why am I the only one being targeted!" Denki yelled.

"He wasn't because he'd go all 'Yay' if he used that much electricity to try and jam the radios. No amount of control can change his physical capacity to use his quirk." I spoke up.

"Fair point." Iida added.

"No one ever listens or believes me." Denki sulked.

"Don't worry. I believe you're innocent. I said reassuring him. "And not because you're dumb."

"You could've left off that last park." He said sulking even further.

"Is no one gonna question Shinso? I mean he just showed up out of nowhere. That's not suspicious to you?" Mineta asked the class.

"Are you sure you're not just salty because Shinso took your partner away from you and you had to patrol alone?" Jirou asked.

"No. He does make a fair point." Mina said backing up mineta for once in his life. "Just happening to see us walk into training ground A is too convenient for you."

"My quirk is literally brainwashing. Do you think I'd really fall for something like that?" Shinso asked calmly.

"Wait Mina! Don't answer his question! That's how he brainwashes people." Deku warned.

"Oh for crying out loud." Shinso face palmed. "So I can't even ask questions anymore?" No one answered in fear of being brainwashed. "Well what about Bakugo huh? He even looks like a villain."

"Bastard. What was that?! Huh?" Bakugo said looking like he was ready to blow Shinso to bits.

"It was the girls who got the headsets. Momo could've made all fake ones that would jam themselves." Sero pointed out.

"So you're really about to turn this into a gender war now?" Jirou asked.

"And what about Uraraka? I bet her family sure could've used the money those villains would have paid her—" Kirishima started.

Everyone was accusing each other one by one by one. I'm glad my name wasn't pulled into the mix.

"What about (y/n)? She doesn't look too concerned over there. For all we know, she put us all in a time freeze and jammed the radios herself." Bakugo yelled.

'Goddamn it bakugo.' I thought to myself.

"Huh?" Was all that could come out of my mouth in that moment.

"Everyone, I think we need to calm down and rationally think about this. As class president, it is my duty to make sure that you are all safe." Iida said doing his signature hand movements.

"Has anyone thought of the possibility that none of us are the traitors and a villain close by really did jam the radios?" Tsu mentioned.

"It's true it's possible, but is blindly believing in that a good thing? It could put the rest of the class in danger." Tokoyami said. It's been a while since I've heard him talk.

"Blindly believing that someone here is the traitor is equally as bad as thinking there isn't one." Iida said.

"It's too early to really tell isn't it? I doubt the traitor will just come out right now and admit that they're the one who jammed the radios right now at all times." I said.

"I think it's better if we continue believing there's no traitor among us. Thinking the opposite will only make teamwork harder which could really put the class at risk." Momo said.

"Aw. Without a traitor there's no drama." Mineta said from a corner off someone. "Did you see how people were going in at each other?"

Everyone gave mineta the death stare. This was not the right time for one of his jokes. Could you even call it a joke? It wasn't very funny.

"Are you guys done coming up with a conclusion yet?" A voice from behind us said.

We didn't even have to turn around to know that that wasn't a UA student talking to us.

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