(Deku pt.6) Shhhhh its a Secret

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"Race you back to the dorms." I said taking my free head start after we reached the dumpster."

"Hey no fair! You're supposed to say ready, set, go first." Deku said chasing after me.

"Good night." Deku said.

"Night'." I replied.

Me and Deku went our separate ways to our dorms since it was getting pretty late.

~~That Night~~

"Okay is everyone here?" Mina whispered.

"Yeah. Everyone except (y/n) and Deku just like you said." Momo said.

"Why are we here. I was supposed to be sleep hours ago." Bakugo grumbled.

"It's because I have a plan." Mina started. "Haven't you noticed that Deku and (y/n) have been spending a lot of time together recently?"

"Well yeah, they got in trouble together and have to do all the chores so I'd imagine they'd be together a lot." Iida argued.

"Exactly. They got in trouble doing something together." Mina stated.

"She does have a point." Denki chimed in.

"Whatever. I'm out of here." Bakugo said getting up and turning around to walk away.

Before he got too far away, Kirishima grabbed his arm and pulled him back to the ground. This wouldn't be the first time he's had to stop Bakugo from doing something.

"Come on Bakugo. Give it a shot at least. I think Minas' on to something here." Kirishima smiled.

"I am. I think they have a secret relationship that they're keeping from us." Mina said.

"And if they don't?" Todoroki asked.

"Well they look pretty friendly. We can just nudge them together and make them a couple ahaha." Mina said laughing nervously.

"Well I don't think that's such a—" Iida was cut off.

"I'm in!" Denki said standing up.

"Shhhhhhhhhhh!" The whole class said in unison.

"Sorry." Denki apologized

"I'm in too." Jirou stated.

"Me too. I'll always help you out Mina." Uraraka said.

"Okay but I'm not doing anything stupid." Bakugo said. "But now I'm going to bed."

"I guess it can't be helped." Iida shrugged.

The rest of the class quickly agreed and with the exception of Bakugo, they put together a plan of action.

~~The Next Day Before Class~~

"Heya Deku, what do you think about (y/n)?" Uraraka said, turning in her seat to face Deku.

"What do I think? Hmmmmmm." He thought. "I think she's a really cool and funny person."

"That's all?" Uraraka hummed.

"Well, not exactly. I don't think all people can be described in two words." He blushed. "But I think her quirk is incredible! Do you wanna wanna see the notes I have on it? She let me ask her some questions so I was able to get even more intel on how her quirk works vs. mainstream heroes that I could only dream about talking to. See her quirk manifests in her mind so that's why when she goes past her limits she gets a headache...." Deku rambled on. Uraraka sat through the whole lecture to not seem rude.

"(Y/n)!" Mina asked me as she walked over to take the seat in front of me. "So what's going on between you and Deku? You two seem pretty close recently." She teased.

"Whaaaaaaaaaa???" I blushed. "There's nothing going on! Where did you get that idea from? We're just friends, I swear."

"Mhmmmmmmmm." She smiled.

"Are you really sure that's all it is?" Jirou said, sitting in the seat next to me.

"Come on, we're girl squad. You can tell us anything." Uraraka said sitting in the seat to the other side of me. I guess she was done talking with Deku.

I soon realized that they were blocking me in. If someone say in the seat behind then there'd be nowhere else for me to run and I'd have to tell the truth. I looked behind me and there sat Aoyama. It was already too late to make my escape.

"Okay everyone. Go to your seats. It's time to take role." Mr. Aizawa said from the podium at the front of the class.

'Yes!' I thought to myself. Saved by the teacher.

But how am I supposed to make it through the rest of the day. There's still lunch, and training, and after that there's the dorms!

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