(Bakugo pt.6) Sleep is for the Weak

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We sat there in the room looking at his old photo albums for ages, talking about and making fun of his whole life that was documented in the pages.

"Well looks like we weren't very productive." I said once we finished looking at all the albums.

"Sorry." He said in a low tone almost under his breath. It was pretty out of character for someone like bakugo.

"No no. It's okay. I can sleep on the couch or something. I am a guest after all." I reassured him. He looked unusually sad for something as little as this. He looked up and all I could see where his big red eyes. We're they always that crystal clear?

Bakugo's mom broke the silent staring contest we were having. "Dinner's ready!"

I got up from my criss cross position on the floor and Bakugo walked towards the door from where he was standing.

When we got downstairs, the food was neatly plated on the counter on two plates. Bakugo grabbed a plate and started heading back upstairs. I did the same. He walked into his room and sat on the floor, sitting his plate on the Kotatsu. (Google it).

"Your family doesn't eat together?" I asked after sitting my food down and getting comfortable.

"No. If we do, me and my mom might get into another argument and not much eating would get done." He answered.

I didn't say anything back and instead took in what Bakugo's room looked like. It was clean, just like his dorm room. This time I wasn't as surprised.

"Your moms' a really good cook." I complemented the food.

"Yeah... she is."

The room fell silent again. There wasn't much to talk about, let alone while we were eating. A few more moments passed in silence and we were both done eating.

"I'll take your plate downstairs. It's the least I can do." I suggested with a kind smile.

He handed me his plate. "Okay. Thanks."

I quickly and quietly made my way down the stairs and to the kitchen where Bakugo's mom was doing the dishes.

"Thanks hun." She said.

"You're welcome."

"Could you tell Bakugo to come down for a second?"

"Okay. No problem."

I spun on my heels to turn around and swiftly made my way back up the stairs to Bakugo's room. I opened the door to see him facing his closet taking off his shirt.

I've seen this moment millions of times in movies, so instead of saying sorry and awkwardly slamming the door closed, I decided to keep my composure. After all, he didn't notice me just yet.

I took a moment to admire the muscles you normally wouldn't be able to see when he had his shirt on.

Me and Bakugo's eyes met in the mirror that was in front of him with a grin spreading across his face.

He looked back at me and now our eyes met clearly instead of through the mirrors. His shirt was still wrapped around his hands and forearms.

"Don't be surprised at what you see walking into somebody else's room like that." He smirked.

My cheeks were burning. Is it just me or is it getting a little too hot right where I'm standing. My flustered reaction seemed to gas him up even further.

"Your mom wanted to see you downstairs." I quickly said.

He threw on the tank top he would sleep in and walked out the door passed me, looking at me through the corner of his eye with that smug smile still on his face.

Once he was out of the room, I let out a sigh of relief, almost as if I was holding my breathe throughout that whole interaction. What he said caught me off guard. It was way more seductive than it was meant to be. Or was it meant to be like that?

"I'm going to sleep." Bakugo said as he came back into the room.

"Sleep?! But it's only 8:30pm."

"Right. It's already 8:30."

First it was his tidiness, and now his bedtime. Bakugo is full of unexpected surprises.

"I'll be right back." I said leaving the room. I couldn't stay in the same room as him after what just happened. I probably shouldn't have said be right back with this being the case.

I walked down to the living room and sat on the couch, using the tv to entertain myself until I dozed off. I said I would sleep on the couch after all.

[Bakugo POV]

'She said she would be right back. Where is this damn idiot?' I asked myself.

It's been a while and she still hasn't come back. I thought she was just going to the bathroom but even with a phone, no one stays in there that long.

I walked downstairs and the first thing I see is her sleeping on the couch. That's the last thing I wanted her to do. She's a guest so she's going to be comfortable like it or not.

I picked her up and carried her back to my room, making sure not to wake her up, and stood inches away from the bed.

"My bed is big enough for two people right?"

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