(Todoroki pt.6) Small talk, Big Moments

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"Well with that out of the way, let's move on the training ground B." Iida said and led the group to the next giant area we would have to cover.

No one else questioned how Shinso got there or if he really did oversleep. For all we know, he could be an imposter.

Training ground B was basically in the same condition as training grown A. The same boring buildings, the same eerie silence, and the same long walk from beginning to end.

Instead of not saying anything to Todoroki the whole time, I decided to start up the conversation first. A little bit of small talk as you would say.

"Hey Todoroki." I whispered.


"Want to try something cool?" I asked raising my voice again.

"Sure. I think mineta will be the last to the entrance on the other side so we have time."

"Perfect. You can make snow with your quirk right?"

"I think I can. Why?"

"Okay, can you stand right here," I said moving him to a more open area, "and make the snow fall from the sky?"

"Okay." He said and got to work.

I stood back and witnessed him try to heat and refreeze his ice to the point where it would be the consistency of snow.

"Are you ready?" He asked.

The sun peaked up from behind a building that was behind me, and I could see Todoroki's sunkissed face.

"Yeah." I smiled.

He created the snow and it started falling from the sky. Some fell as quick as a blizzard, while others fell slowly like a leaf. When I thought it was the right time, I sent a time freeze bubble with Todoroki in it. It was slightly bigger than I had originally thought it would be, so I hope no enemies saw it from the distance.

The way he was standing, the snow stopped in place, and the dome shape area my time freeze caught in time made Todoroki look like he was in a snow globe. I grabbed my phone and took a picture, already using up my 10 seconds of my time freeze, but I wanted to do one more thing. This was the time to really push myself.

I walked into the time freeze zone and tapped Todoroki to unfreeze him.

"Isn't it beautiful?" I asked. "It's like time stopped just for us, just for this moment."

"I mean it did. You did." He chucked. I laughed too.

I looked over and saw some of the snow to my left start to melt, and soon turn into raindrops rather that snowflakes. I guess my time freeze can't protect what's in the bubble from the sun rays that were present when I put this small area into a time freeze.

I heard the dirt beneath me and looked up to see Todoroki in front of me. He caressed my cheek and lifted my chin. I was nervous but this was it. This was our moment

I looked up into his eyes as he started to lean in.

"May I?" He asked as he stopped with his lips right next to mine.

"Yes you may." I smiled, but I was reaching my limits.

Out of nowhere, the time freeze bubble popped, releasing what was now raindrops onto us and and the ground. He pulled away but I didn't want this staged moment to be for naught.

I stood on my tippy toes, pitting my hands on his shoulders to keep my balance, and kissed him. I felt his arms wrap around me as he returned the kiss.

Butterflies filled my stomach and I had to pull away. My headache was starting to come, making it hard to even stand.

"What's wrong?!" Todoroki asked worried.

"I used my time freeze for too long," I said still on the ground.

"Hey! Are you guys okay?" Denki asked with shinso following right behind him.

"Yeah why?" Todoroki responded.

"We saw (y/n)'s time freeze and came as quick as we could." Iida said running in with Uraraka on his back.

One by one, teams came to the scene of me and Todoroki's little moment.

Even Mineta got the memo that he should be over here.

"Wait why didn't anyone use the radios to see if we were in trouble?" I asked getting off the ground, still holding one hand on my head.

"We did." The whole class said in unison.

"Wait you did?" The whole said again looking around at each other.

"I said that I was heading over to (y/n) because I saw something from over there, but nobody responded. Can't have you extras dying on me." Bakugo said putting his hands in his pockets and kicking up some of the sand-like dirt we were standing on.

"I did too." Momo said. "Nobody answered."

"I just saw a sign of people and ran towards it because I didn't want to be alone anymore." Mineta cried.

"Dumbass. What if it was an enemy." Bakugo barked.

"At least I wouldn't have to be walking around in fear anymore. I'd just be standing in fear." Mineta retorted.

"Wait, if we're all in one place because the radios are jammed, then who jammed the radios?" Deku asked.

"Oh no! We played right into the enemy's hands." Todoroki said.

We all looked around each other. The thoughts of a traitor still lingered.

Uraraka stuttered. "What if the enemy is right here?"

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