(Todobakudeku pt. 16) Look at Me!

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We couldn't do anything. We couldn't clearly see, we were too afraid to talk in case he had another trick up his sleeve—being the leader and all, and we couldn't take any action against him. He could convert himself into anyone of us and we wouldn't know until it was too late, so all we could do was listen and wait.

[(Y/n) 1-At POV]

"Seriously? Are all of you just going to stand there like statues the whole time?" The leader of the snakes questioned. "Oh how rude of me. Say, why done we introduce ourselves? Hi, I'm Katashi, leader of what you call the 'snakes'. Nice to meet you."

His voice finally changed. It was even, not distorted like it was before. His voice was friendly, welcoming, inviting, angelic. It was a voice you would hear and instantly want to know where it came from.

I couldn't resist any longer. The curiosity was killing me. When I could see that his feet were facing away from me, I looked up to see if I could get just a glimpse of him. His hair was black except for a silver streak that went towards the front of his head.

He wore a school uniform, but not of the colors from our school. His shirt was white, and his pants and tie were black. It was a pretty basic dress code, but it was something I couldn't help but take notice of. 

His head started to turn and I begin to panic. Our eyes met, but nothing happened.

"Oh hi there. Finally someone would look at me." He smiled.

His smile was so bright, it reminded me of Deku in a way. He walked my way, making direct eye contact the whole time.

"Put your head down!" Kirishima whisper-yelled, but Katashi was already right in front of me. I tried to put my head down, but he lifted my chin up with his finger and smiled.

"What your name hm?" He hummed.


"There are three of you right? Too bad I can tell which is which. You're (y/n) 1-At right?"

I was shocked. No one else was supposed to know how we told each other apart. In fact, we didn't tell anybody else, so how did he know? I refused to give a direct answer. "Maybe, maybe not," I said staring into his eyes, standing my ground.

"Look at you being all confident now. You think you're so smart don't you? But you've made one big mistake. All of a sudden, you think it's okay to look into my eyes."

My eyes widened in shock. How could I forget such a crucial rule that was laid out from the beginning?

"What, you thought I was going to turn you into a snake? Nah. I surrender." Katashi said.

"S-surrender?" The whole class said in confusion.

"Yes." He said collapsing onto the couch. "After all, I'm not the one behind this whole mess."

"But your quirk matches up doesn't it? You're connected to everything." Denki said.

"You would be correct. All I can say is that I'm being framed." Katashi replied.

"And we're supposed to just take your word for it? You don't seem too concerned for someone who just got framed for taking over three worlds." Todoroki retorted.

"Aw man. Was my act not good enough for you?" Katashi stood back up. "I guess the jig is up. Man, you guys don't even know exactly what my quirk is and here you go pointing fingers."

I really fell for it. His smile— for a second I thought he had good in him, but he's just a villain. He's just like the rest of them. Why haven't we started blowing this guy up yet?

"Wait, why haven't we started beating him up already?" I asked.

"Because you can't darling." I share consciousness with every single snake as if I'm the root. If I die, every single one of them dies as well, taking your friends' lives with them, even people who are only half snake like your precious Deku." He smirked.

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