(Bakugo pt.1) Forget About It

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(A/N to be clear, if you choose this route, interactions in the todoroki and deku route do not occur. Go strait to "bakugo pt.2"(unless you wanna read each separately))

Everyone pretty much sat in the same seats they did yesterday, me behind Todoroki, with Deku to my left, Bakugo to my right, and Uraraka behind me. I was pretty tired because of the storm last night, but I managed to keep myself up.

I noticed Bakugo more quiet than usual. In fact, he wasn't talking at all. He seemed to be deep in thought, just staring at his table with his arms crossed. I wanted to say something, but I didn't really know what to say.

Mr. Aizawa walked in and class started. He just went over a couple hero rules that we had to follow but they were pretty obvious. Stuff like "Don't team up with a villain" or "Put your differences aside until the  battle was over".

In the middle of writing these silly notes down, my clumsy self slightly flung my pencil off my desk. I tried to catch it midair by sending a time freeze bubble too small for Mr. Aizawa to notice, out of my finger towards the pencil, but it didn't work. Instead, Bakugo caught it before it hit the floor,

"Uhhh thanks?" I said as a question, but I didn't mean for it to be. I was just shocked that he helped.

"Shut up." He said angrily, but not yelling.

"Okay jeez." I said turning back and finishing my notes.

[Bakugo's POV]

I'm tired of class. I'm skipping lunch today too. What's the point. I wonder what (y/n)  is writing. Oh right. We are in class. Eh I might just steal Kirishima's notes later or something.

Where does someone go when they skip school anyway? I bet none of these extras know either. I could just go to my dorm and make some ramen since food isn't free here anyways. Why not?

[Your POV]

After hero class, we had our other basic classes such as English and Math, and then it was lunch time. Uraraka and Iida usually find a spot a Bakugo's table, but they were sitting alone today.

I looked over and saw that Bakugo wasn't even at lunch, and everyone who would sit there sat in groups of two by themselves. Todoroki and Deku were already sitting across from each other at a table of two as well as Uraraka and Iida, Kirishima and Denki, and Tsu and Mina.

I wasn't really acquainted with anyone else, so I made it my mission to go find Bakugo. Then everything would go back to normal, or at least I'd have someone to sit with. I used my very high tech stealth skills to get pass the upperclassman so that nobody would stop me from leaving.

Once I was out of the very crowded lunchroom, I did a quick scan of the building from bottom to top and back down again, going through every floor and every staircase. All of the classroom doors were open so that made my job easier, But he was nowhere. I tried the roof, but the only person that really goes up there anyway is Todoroki. Then, I checked the basement that I didn't even know we had but it was there. If I didn't know, I doubt Bakugo knew either.

The last place I could possibly think of is the dorms but why would he walked all the way back there just for lunch? I continued to run out of the school and towards where all the dorms were located. There I spotted Bakugo walking along the path towards our dorm.

I was right! I guess running did come in hand. I finally caught up, I thought to myself.

I ran some more, but being so tired has brought my running to a slow walk. I was almost on the floor crawling.

"Wait Bakugo!" I called out before he walked into the building.

He turned back towards me and I froze him in a time freeze bubble before he could move another inch. I walked towards him at my own pace and leaned against the door to the building, waiting for him to unfreeze. He unfroze and looked around, probably for me.

"Behind you." I said and he quickly turned around.

At first he was shocked at how I had teleported, but then realized that he had been in a time freeze bubble once again.

"You know, you didn't have to freeze me. I would've waited." He said, more relaxed knowing that it was just me.

"I wasn't so sure about that. Sorry." I shrugged.

"Why is it always me?" He asked.

"Because you're always doing something." I answered.

"Move out of my way." He demanded.

"No." I said, standing my ground.

"I'm just gonna have to move you I guess." He said moving closer to me reaching a hand out.

I grabbed his hand, catching him off guard, then froze another time freeze bubble with both of us in it.

"Ha! Now you can't leave this bubble for 10 seconds. Now what are you doing here anyways?" I asked.

"Fuck this shit I'm out" He said walking towards the outside. As soon as he touched it, it sent him flying backwards.

"Oop. I never knew it did that to other people. I can leave the bubble just fine." I said as he stands back up.

I could see a cut on his face, but he just wiped the dripping blood off. The time freeze bubble disappeared. He tried to walk out. But I just shot another one and tapped him.

"Just tell me why you're--" I said as I was cut off by a massive headache and fell to the ground. Bakugo rushed over and lifted me up over his shoulder.

"This isn't that comfortable you know." I said as he walked into the building.

"Shut up." He said. This time I did as told.

He set me down on a couch in the common room and sat next to me. I stood right back up and walked over to the medical kit on the wall.

"I'm fine. I just used too many time freeze bubbles I told him. You're the one that's physically injured." I said as I brought the medical kit back towards him.

"I DONT NEED HELP FROM AN EXTRA LIKE YOU!" He stood up and yelled as I got closer.

"LET ME HELP YOU FOR ONCE!" I yelled back to get my point across. He just crossed his arms, pouted, and sat quietly.

"*sigh of relief* Thank you." I said calmly and bandaged his face. His cheeks turned a rosy red.

"Lunch is over. I guess I'll have to make my ramen tomorrow." He said looking down.

"You should totally like.. Invite me to skip with you cause you know... I really like some good ramen noodles." I said, insisting he invite me.

"Baka." He said smirking. "Everyone likes ramen, but I have nothing better to do so sure."

"Yay! We're skipping buddies!" I said excitedly.

"Yeah yeah. Just don't tell anyone." He said standing up and heading back to the school.

[Meanwhile in the Lunchroom]

"Hey has anyone seen (y/n) or Bakugo?" Iida asks, being the class president and needing to keep tabs on everyone.

Both Deku and Todoroki said no, and Uraraka didn't know either.

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