(Todobakudeku pt.14) Two worlds down, one to go

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"We should get going to world 1-At to see if the conversion here brought everyone back to our world." Todoroki said.

"Yeah. I guess that's our next destination." I replied.

[(Y/n) 1-At POV]

"You guys ready?" I asked everyone. They nodded, and all three of me jumped to world 1-At. Surely enough, everyone was back at UA and were confused as to what happened to them. We didn't have time to explain everything, but we did tell them not to look anyone directly in their eyes.

All the teachers were back too, and as soon as they saw all might in his muscle form, they truly understood how troublesome the situation actually was.

After getting orders, the teachers rounded up the students to prepare for battle, as well as contacted more hero agencies for backup.

"Well what can we do?" Momo asked.

"We need to go save the last of the three worlds right?" All Might asked.

"Yup." Deku 1-Ad smiled. He continued to explain further what world 1-Ab was like to All Might. Since everyone was safe in 1-At, I guess there really wasn't any need for us to stay. Our main focus should be saving world 1-Ab, but it's nice to know that my home is safe.

"Only one more world hop to make." (Y/n) 1-Ab said. "I'm starting to get nervous."

"Don't worry. We'll save your world like we did the other two." I assured her.

"I hope so." She said.

"Here we gooooo!" (Y/n) 1-Ad said, activating the world hop by herself. "That wasn't a good idea." She said when we arrived to world 1-Ab. She gripped her head, but was fine moments later.

"Yeah you think?! That's why we do these things together!" I yelled at me.

"Sowwy." She smiled.

"Wow there really is no one here." Bakugo 1-Ab said.

"Just as I thought." (Y/n) 1-Ab sighed.

"Without anyone here, it's not like we can convert them like we did in world 1-Ad." Deku 1-Ad said.

"I think it's like world 1-At. We just have to wait until the rest of the people in the world are converted." Todoroki said.

"I hope it's just here and not worldwide." I commented.

"Can we really not do anything to help?" Denki asked.

"No. For now this world—my world is just.. empty." (Y/n) 1-Ab said looking down.

"I'll take all might back to the past since there's really nothing we can do right now." (Y/n) 1-Ad said.

"I'll come with you!" Both Deku's said at the same time. Of course they would want to say goodbye to all might properly.

"That's fine." (Y/n) 1-Ad smiled, even though she knew that taking more people back and forth would give her worse of a headache.

"We'll stay in this world for now and make sure that people do eventually come back." I said.

"If that's the case, we should head to the dorms here." Bakugo 1-Ab suggested.

"Yeah! I feel like the dorms are our main base across all three worlds. It seems like the safest place for right now." Uraraka smiled.

"Off to the dorms we go!" Mina cheered.

"I'm honestly surprised Shinso didn't have anything to do with the snakes." Mineta chuckled.

"Oi, what did you say about me?" Shinso asked.

We all knew what was coming, so we didn't warn mineta not to reply.

"Uhhh... nothing I didn't say anything." Mineta answered quickly.

Shinso smirked, activating his quirk. "Why are you hitting yourself mineta? Huh? Huh!" He laughed, making mineta hit himself repeatedly with his quirk.

We all laughed too. Mineta really did deserve that one for all the things he's done across this very important mission.

"But to be fair, I wasn't buying your story at first until I considered that we aren't in the same dorms. I kinda forgot that class 1-B had a different dorm house." Denki said.

"Just you wait. I'll be in class 1-A before you know it." Shinso said.

"Please, take mineta's spot." The whole class said thinking the same thing.

"Hey! I got into this class fair and square."Mineta said. We were all unaware that Shinso had deactivated his quirk moments ago. Instead of saying sorry like a normal person would, we all gave mineta the death stare.

"Oh look! The dorms. Yay!" Mineta laughed nervously and ran ahead of everyone to enter the dorms.

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