Daily Life

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Finn's POV

I looked over the horizon while the lazy summer breeze whisked by my ear. It was only two weeks until my 18th birthday. I was excited (Obviously), but at the same time, my life has drastically altered in just this last year's time, so what could my entire life hold ahead of me? I've already done so much already, what else is there to do?

For starters, I no longer live in the treehouse, that's a real bummer. After it was destroyed in the great battle, Jake and I had nowhere to go. Everything was gone, we barely had scraps of a life to pull together. Thankfully, Bonnie helped us find a nice home in the candy kingdom's new housing district.

This is the first building with more on the way to accommodate for the arrival of all the humans. Everyone has already made temporary housing in the grasslands, but infrastructure is sorely needed. Bonnie plans to have these huuuuge buildings built to house everyone. Bonnies's done more than I could've ever deserved, like a giant room on the very top that feels like the entire top floor. I don't remember what the exact name was, I think it was a pine house, or a tent house, oh wait, it was called a penthouse.

I don't even know why Bonnie gave us this entire place for the two of us. It's massive, but she said that it was only the best for the saviors of Ooo. It's obviously not as big as the treehouse, but we never needed all the space in the treehouse anyways. The treasury would never be big enough, but I don't go dungeon crawling anymore for loot, so I guess I really don't need much space. Honestly, this is more than I could ever ask for. I have the place entirely to myself for the most part.

Jake is rarely around anymore, and honestly, how can I blame him? He has a wife and kids. Yes, his kids may be all grown up now, but why spend time away from his family when there's no more monsters to fight? I do see him semi-frequently on Sunday breakfasts, and on a rare occasions he stays the weekend to spend some quality bro-time with me. Jake coming around is always a joy in my monotonous life, but even with him visiting, I'm always alone. My days and dinners are spent with only me, myself, and I.

I look over the balcony, and I see everyone living their simple, happy lives. Everyone has somewhere to be, and someone to spend it with. Oftentimes, I wish I could have that simple life like everyone else. I remember Davey, he was a simple man with simple problems. I used to want to escape the chaos of being a hero, but now it's to have a purpose. I have my entire life ahead of me, and perhaps one day, I'll have that good life like everyone else.

Adventuring is really the only thing that keeps me sane through the slow days. There are rarely monsters to battle. Things are always calm, and it seems like all the monsters have disappeared off the face of Ooo. After the great battle, it's all come to a screeching halt. A hero isn't needed anymore.

I walked back inside, closing the sliding door behind me. I took a glance at the mirror at the other side of the room and saw my reflection. Honestly, I look pretty much exactly like I did a year ago. I guess the only difference is that I've filled out my figure a bit more. I took working out in my home gym Bonnie designed for me to fill up all my free time. Sure, I could go running out in public and exercise, but people always overwhelm me. Everyone wants to meet the savior of Ooo. I liked it at first, but gradually it just falls into the same repetitive rhythm.

The physical changes I have achieved are pretty small, but do make a big difference. All my body fat that I had from my childhood is gone. My abs are starting to fall into a defined look, and my arm and shoulders are somewhat chiseled. The new prosthetic arm Bonnie fitted me with has worked better than all the rest. I lost my old one in the great battle, naturally, Bonnie was eager to make me a better replacement.

Despite my age, I believe I've matured a lot both physically and emotionally throughout my years. I can definitely say I am in the best shape of my life, plus I have accepted my failures and forgiven myself for them. I guess the one thing that seems off is that I feel empty all the time. Yes, my purpose of being a hero has nearly come to a close, yet there's always this pain of longing in my heart. I've always known about the hole, but I've never been an expert on knowing how to fill it.

Perhaps a new life would fill it, but I know deep down why it's there. I've been somewhat of a hopeless romantic, and I've never been very good with the ladies. Have I had a girlfriend before? Yes, but that ended very badly. I was young and immature, but my knowledge of romance is still about the same. I know I've matured enough to accept the fact that I was a dingus, but I still have no idea how to keep a relationship.

All my past romantic endeavors have ended less than ideal. Bonnie was that crush you have on the mature individual. Obviously, she's out of the realm of possibilities. Not only are we great friends to this day, she's married. I remember her wedding, and It's one of only times I've cried. It was a happy day, definitely one that was needed in all the loss from the great war. It was a bright day that everyone needed. I saw two of my great friends start the beginning of their lives together that day. Of course Marceline wore black to her own wedding, I wouldn't have expected anything less from her.

There's Flame Princess, but honestly I'm not going there. Yes, I did love her with like all my heart, but where we ended up took a lot of trust. We're at a good place, frankly, I really don't want to mess that up. As much as I could hope for us to work out, I know my place in her life.

Then there's Huntress Wizard. We spent some good times together after the great war. She was a spirit that understood mine. We connected on a spiritual level. I knew that even though our time together was well spent, and I wouldn't trade it for the world, it had to end. I hope she does well.

Perhaps I'll find a new love interest. Maybe I'll find someone that can help me fill the void in my heart. Honestly I have no idea who it would be. Would it be a princess, or would it be a human, or someone else?

I moved into my bed and closed my eyes. The day had passed by pretty uneventfully, as usual. I moved to the side of the bed and blew out the candle by my bedside, but right before I blew out the flame, Flame princess slipped into my mind. As I drifted to sleep, she danced around in my head. Yes she was the first girl I ever loved, but deep down I know it's wrong. She has a whole kingdom to run, so why should she bother with me in the first place. Was I still in love with her? Honestly, I'm not sure, but perhaps if she still cares for me, I wish for a sign.

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