Thank you

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Well, this is the last piece that I'll write for Rekindled. I'm sad that this wonderful story is finally over. It's been a big work in the making. A lot of time and love has been put into writing it for all of you to read. Honestly, if you would have told me my story would have become this successful, I would have never believed you. I always wanted this story to be big, but for it to actually happen is unreal to me.

When I started this I had just finished adventure time. I was so obsessed with this pairing that I wanted to read fan fiction. Unfortunately for me, there was little to no good fan fictions. There were a few, and I reached out to fellow creators to thank them, as well as help. I wanted to write my own because if something you want isn't out there, write your own. I had just started it, and boy was it rough. The first five parts were not pretty whatsoever; I wasn't really comfortable writing yet. As funny as it sounds, this is my first fan fiction I've written. Really, it's the only thing I've written and completed. I once tried to write true fiction, but found it hard to find inspiration and drive. The same thing happened here. I was five parts in, and I gave up. I left the project to die. I hit a block, and I decided it wasn't worth it.

The project might have died and never be where it is now without the help of one user. I won't stop thanking him. He made a simple comment that gave me the drive to get back up and writing. I figured if one person wanted to see my work, then it was worth writing.

That brings me to my last point. What he did inspired me to make sure writers knew they were appreciated. I reached out to fellow writers and gave back the inspiration I had been given. Oh yes, this is cliche and cheesy. Look at me, I write romance for heaven's sake, I am damn cheesy. Show writers you care about their work. Comment, vote, follow, it could mean the world to the writer you love. It could also make them write the story you like faster. ;)

Thank you @Ripjawiscrazy you've been a great help writing and inspiring this story.

Well, that's all from me. Truly, from the bottom of my heart thank you. It's been a great adventure. Thanks for coming along with me.

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