The Date: Part 1

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Finn's POV

I sat up and looked around my dark room for a moment. It was morning, and despite the fact that I always get up early, a morning person I am not. You have to wake up early to get the day's events done with, but I've always hated mornings. At least today was just a regular plain day. Wait, wait just a moment, today was Friday. Fuck, that means my date is today, and I nearly forgot all about it. How could I forget all about my date with Phoebe tonight? I have been doing things all week to make sure I was ready for today, and I forgot about it! I've been mentally preparing myself to be calm and ready, and now look at me, I'm all frazzled and shook up. All of it for nothing; I'm off on the wrong foot today. I guess the only thing I can do now is try to be as ready as I can be for tonight.

I turned on the light and went through my daily morning routine. I made sure to take my time in the shower this morning and after about 30 minutes I stepped out feeling not only refreshed but relaxed and confident. I pulled out my outfit that I had preplanned, then got dressed accordingly. I finished up with all my other morning routines to get into a comfortable groove of the day. I was all ready, and I looked, smelt, and looked fresh for tonight. I have a feeling tonight's going to go really well. I ran over the schedule in my head again to get it straight.

I'll make sure to be there at six because we don't want to be late for the movie. The movie will be at seven, and we'll enjoy ourselves until it ends, then there's a nice casual place to eat in that area for dinner. We'll enjoy the rest of the night then I'll bring her home. It's simple and concise. There's not a whole lot planned to make room for improvisation to make it fresh and new along the way. And by happenstance we want to come back here for whatever reason, I'm ready.

As all heroes are, I'm prepared for whatever happens tonight. I made sure to clean up the apartment in case of visitors, and I have food in the fridge if we want to eat here. All that's really needed to do now is to wait it out. There's honestly nothing else I can do, so I just need to keep my anxiety down and my mind clear. This is my one shot, my one opportunity, I can't let it slip by.

After an eternity of waiting around, it was time to leave. I grabbed my keys, then I locked my door and started to walk down the hallway. I patted my pockets then realized I had forgotten two very important things. I sprinted back up the hallway. I hurriedly opened up the doors and grabbed breath mints, along with my wallet.

By the time I had arrived at Phoebe's castle, it was right before six. That was definitely a close call, because I would be hosed without breath mints, and a wallet actually buys all the stuff on the date. I ran my hand through my hair to make sure it was in its right position. First impressions are important. Just because we've known each other for years doesn't mean I should forget them. We have dated before, but honestly not any official dates. We honestly just hung out all the time and did kid stuff. I've honestly never done an official date either. I shuddered on the memory when I tried to ask PB to go to movie night with me. Oh Gob that was a disaster.

I realized I was stalling. I can't keep waiting, and sooner or later I need to see her for the actual date. No matter how calm I looked on the surface, I can assure you that I was dying of anxiety. Wait, no, I'm way more than just nervous. This was a new level for me; all my previous anxieties came flooding into my brain taking over all rational thought. My hands started to shake and my knees felt weak underneath me. There's no way I can do this. I don't know if I can do it.







I have to do this. I have to pull myself together. Imagine what Phoebe would think of me having some breakdown over a date for heaven's sake! I have to be a hero. I have to be Finn the human. I need to be strong. I want so badly for Phoebe to fall for me.

I want her more than anything else, no, that's not right. I need her. I need to feel her touch on me again. I want to feel the one that sends shivers up my spine. I need butterflies to fill my stomach. The ones that leave me weak at my knees and leave my heart hurting, wanting more. I want that euphoria that feels so good that it hurts. She brings the fire in my soul, and without her, I'm empty and cold. Phoebe gives me that meaning I long for; she is my meaning. I don't know what I'd do if i lost her.

I'm still stalling, and I don't want to leave my lady waiting any longer. It was only six, which was fine, but I should have already grabbed her, and we should be on our way by now. It's all fine though, it's all good to be fashionably late. I have to pull myself together for this. I can't be in my head all night long. I wandered around the castle looking for her room. Glob it was like a maze in here, but after what seemed endless corridors I found her room. I let out a deep breath and knocked on the door.

After a moment of waiting she stepped out of her room. No way this was real life. I had to actually do a double take. I even pinched myself to make sure this wasn't any dream.

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