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Phoebe's POV

I woke up with the same grogginess as usual. I don't know how I was a morning person as a kid. Now 8 o'clock seems too early for me. Maybe it's the fact that I don't like to wake up alone. Everyday I have to wake up, and I see no one besides me. I've been alone for too long now. I guess just another reason to get Finn back. I want his arms back around me, holding me tight.

I have a great plan to win Finn back. It wasn't necessarily a stretch, but it's not a guarantee either. I know that Finn is a bit of a hopeless romantic. That does give me the advantage. Jake said that he would most likely take me back. Finn needs someone. He wants someone to spend the rest of his life with. He wants to love someone. Hopefully, I'll be the person he'll want to love. I guess I should get to it and get going. I can't stay in my room forever. I'm eventually going to have to face him.

*Time passing. Don't worry, nothing here.*

Well, I'm obviously here before the boys get here. Jake had a plan to get Finn over here. He's meeting me where my old wood house was. It has long been abandoned, but the memories still burn brightly. This is the spot where my first kiss was. It is a bit emotional, but now is not the time for reminiscing. I have to be ready. I'm hoping I won't be here for very long. The boys are usually on time now, so I'm hoping I won't have to wait long. I have everything planned out and ready, so now it's a waiting game.

I made sure to get something extra romantic and sappy. Even though I'm not a huge romantic, Finn brings out that side of me. He makes me feel things that I can't even describe. The best I could do is just mmmm. It's just an overwhelming feeling of happiness and satisfaction. Even though I'm made of fire, he can make my heart go ablaze with emotion. I need him back more than anything.

Well, I guess I'll just sit and wait. I'll make sure I'm composed enough to actually speak to Finn.

* Phoebe sits and waits. It's only like 30-45 minutes. I mean I could keep writing, but I hate filler paragraphs sometimes. It's nice to drag it out sometimes, but we all just want to get to the romantic parts. What else would you be here for?*

I've been here for a while now. I wonder when they'll ever get here? I know I got here before the agreed time, but it doesn't mean I get tired of waiting. Everyone has their limit on patience. Mine is starting to wear, but I have to remain unflustered. I have to be cool-headed. That phrase is a little ironic, but now is not the time for word play. I have to be ready. I can't lose myself in his gorgeous blue eyes. The way a single look can turn my entire legs to jelly. How with a single phrase, he can juice my brain of all coherent thought. And don't even get me started on that body, oh damn he's... sex...y... shit. They're coming!

I gotta get out of here. Finn can't see me just yet. If he sees me then this entire thing could be ruined. I'll go hide in the old log house and hope I don't set it on fire.

"Hey Jake, where we going man? I've asked for like the past 30 minutes bro. I need answers. You said we're going somewhere special. This is just the grasslands. What is this "special adventure," if you could even call it one.?"

"Finn, I already told you, it's a surprise. Just keep going. Don't worry, it will be awesome."

"If you say so. I don't really want to be on an adventure right now. I'm still pretty down."

"Oh Finn. This is exactly what you need. Don't let lady problems keep you down. You need to have fun. Now is the time for us to have some brotherly bonding time. We haven't been adventuring in a while. What's the harm in an adventure? I just want to cheer you up bro."

"Thanks Jake. I have missed adventuring with you."

"I care about you. I want the best for you Finn. I want the best for my bro."

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