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Finn's POV


Did I just hear what I thought I did? I must be dreaming because that sounds so absurd.

"Did you just say that you weren't sure about us? You weren't sure about dating me? Was I some experiment?"

My voice started to escalate. This was so wrong. She was using me. She could have not even liked me then let me go. She played me like a damn fiddle. I didn't feel well anymore. I sat upright, and I stared right into those gorgeous eyes of hers. She may be my dream girl, but she used me.

"Phoebe you used me! You're saying that I'm some kind of experiment. Am I just another boy to you? Do I not mean anything to you. Did it ever occur to you that you could hurt me? Did you think in that twisted mind of yours that this would be okay? Did you think that me or any other guy would be okay with being experimented on?"

"Finn! I didn't mean that at all. I needed to convince myself that I liked you. Wait, not convince myself. I needed to know that I had feelings. I needed to know that it wasn't my body just needing attention."

"Well, it doesn't even sound like you are sure about yourself. You had to convince yourself that you like me? You had to figure out things? I don't need to lead someone on to know that I like them. I don't have to get their hopes up to know anything!"

"Finn, I didn't mean it like that. I wanted to know if it was real."

"Phoebe, the fact is you used me. I love you Phoebe. I said it, I love you. I always have. I never stopped loving you. Every single day after we broke up I would think of you. Never have I stopped loving you. I may have forgotten it, but I have always loved you. Do you even love me?"


"See you can't even say it back Phoebe. You don't love me Phoebe. I love you, but I guess you were using me just to get attention. That's all you want. All you want is attention. You never cared about me Phoebe. You led me on and used me. I don't know if I can forgive you. I can't stay here Phoebe and neither can you. You know how to show yourself out. I'm going for a walk to clear my head."

I then stood up, and I grabbed my coat and shoes. I have to get out here. I have to get out before things get worse. I just exploded on Phoebe. I can't be around her anymore. I have to go and clear my head. I can't think straight anymore. I don't know where I'm going, but it's not here.

"Finn! Wait! Don't leave me please. Please come back, I l-."

I didn't hear the rest. I just kept running. I just have to keep running until no one can find me. I have to be alone. I have to be away from her before I start crying like an idiot. She especially can't see me cry.

Phoebe's POV

"I l-love you."

I finished the last part of my sentence with a bare whisper. I can't believe he's gone. Where did he go? He ran away from me. I broke his heart. We are supposed to be together. It's meant to be, though, I don't know now. With that, I don't even know if Finn will ever look at me again.

I sat down in the grass and silently cried to myself. I felt each tear roll down my face and onto the grass. Each tear sizzled after it hit the ground. I sat there in silence, the only sounds were my sobbing, and the tears hitting the ground. I had to get up and move. I couldn't stay here. I have to be strong. Each time I tried to get up my body would refuse. I would stay there curled up in a ball crying.

It must have been 30 minutes before I finally willed my body to move. I was weak; my face was hot. My eyes hurt for being shut so tightly. I probably looked like a mess. I couldn't let Finn get me down. I was strong and independent. I had to leave. If I stayed here, then what would Finn do when he got back?

Finn was right. I had used him. I feel terrible too. It's only fair that I feel guilty. It's the least I can do for him. I broke his heart in half. I took his hopes and stomped them into submission. He would be heartbroken. He is heartbroken and it's because of me. I led him on. I knew I liked him, but I shouldn't have been so unsure. I should have made up my mind. It was unfair of me to treat the hero of Ooo like that. He deserved better. He deserved someone prettier than me. He deserved someone who wouldn't break his heart. He deserved someone who could say that she loved him to his face.

Why couldn't I do that? Why couldn't I tell him that I loved him? What is wrong with me? I know I love him, but he doesn't know. He thinks that he was being used for his love, and he would be somewhat right. The first date is fine to be unsure, but to be so unsure and lead him on like that is wrong. I enjoyed kissing him. I enjoyed every second I spent with him. Every single moment was a blessing from above.

These past two dates have made me feel more happy than I've ever been before. Finn makes me feel things that I never want to go away. The feeling of when he kisses me is magical. I don't know how he does it, but he is the best kisser ever. I have to get him back. I can't let him go to any other girl. I need him to be with me. I can't be without him. I felt that my lips suddenly felt cold. Just another reminder that I want Finn. I feel incomplete without him.

I need a plan to get him back. I need him right beside me. I don't want any other guy, and I don't want Finn to have any other girl. He was mine, but I need to show him that I love him. I have to show him that he's mine. I think I would just about die if I saw him with another girl, or heaven forbid another princess. I suddenly felt my heart fill with jealousy. He's not with another girl. He probably needed alone time. He deserves it, and he deserves a better girl than me. Even though I treated him like shit, and I broke his heart, I still want him. He deserves someone better, but I don't want him with anyone else. It's a double edged sword.

I finally had willed myself to stand. I started to walk back towards the Fire Kingdom. This was going to be a long and lonely walk back home. I wish I was still with Finn, but I had to blow it. I guess this gives me time to do some self reflection. This is the time for me to think of a plan. I need him back, and I am going to figure out how to win him back. I might call up someone for help. That's it! I'll call up Jake. He's Finn's best friend, if anyone knows how to help me, it would be him. I started to pick up my pace back home. In the morning I would call up Jake and execute whatever plan I think of. Until tomorrow I guess.

"Oh Finn, I'm so sorry. I hope that you'll forgive me. I pray to the heavens and hope that we can work this out. I don't want anyone else. You're my dream. I can't lose you again."

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