All The Way

763 21 8

Finn's POV

I was more than just happy right now. I couldn't describe how I was feeling. Phoebe really does love me! I even pinched myself to make sure this wasn't some dream. I was finally with her. Everything was finally going my way. I had everything I wanted. I don't think anything can bring me down right now. How did I even get this lucky? I was officially dating Phoebe, THE flame queen. She's intelligent, funny, compassionate, and let's not forget, gorgeous.

She wrote me a song, how could I say no to that? She put her feelings right there for me. It was probably the most vulnerable I've ever seen her. She's always been so keen to protect herself. It was honestly such a surprise to see her out in the open like that. I guess I know she loves me. She wouldn't do that to anyone. She was vulnerable for me, so I had to take her back. I feel so broken without her. She keeps the pieces of my life together.

I have to get out of my head. Here I am talking to myself and totally ignoring perfection next to me. I have been in my world for who knows how long. We've been holding hands, and she's been talking. I'm glad she hasn't asked any questions because it would blow open my cover. I have to be attentive to her. I can't lose her for anything, and I can't be clingy. I have to be regular old Finn. I have to be the person she fell in love with. I don't have to change because she already loves me for who I am.

We were already at the building. I pull out my key, and I unlock the metal gate. It opens with a metallic groan. I pull her hand with me. I decided that the elevator would be faster than the stairs. I'm all for exercise, but I'm right not keen to walk up 65 levels of stairs. It's part of my daily exercise, but I have a lady with me. I don't think she would be up to walk with me. Also, the romantic tension is starting to rise. I can feel my heart beating harder and louder inside my chest. It feels like it's getting hotter in this elevator, and I don't think it's because of the girl made of literal fire.

We finally reach my floor. We walk down the short hallway, and I fumble my keys out of my pocket. It won't fit into the slot. I keep trying to shove it in and it's the wrong key. I let out a frustrated sigh and find the right key on the ring. I have only three keys, so why is this being so hard? I then drop my keys. I swear I don't know what's wrong with me. I hear Phoebe giggle. I let out an exasperated breath, and I finally fit the key into the slot. I turn the knob, and the door finally opens. Sometimes I'm such a spaz, yet it only happens when I'm with her.

I lead her in, and immediately she turns on me. It was like she was an animal waiting to pounce on her prey. She locked my lips in with a kiss. She started pushing me backwards not ever breaking the kiss. She then pushed me backwards. This was how I die. I then met the bed. I guess she's not trying to kill me. She straddled my lap, and met our faces crashed back together. Holy cow this is amazing. It started getting pretty hot in the room. She got a little hotter, but I would bear whatever pain I received. There was no pain, but that's not the point. The intensity between us continued to rise.

Not ever breaking the kiss, she slowly started to push me down. She bit my bottom lip, and I obliged her request. She slipped her tongue into my mouth. She continued to explore my mouth, and I likewise explored her. Our tongues danced together. I didn't dare let my hands leave her waist. Even though she would probably like me to move my hands, I won't move them. I want to, but I consider myself a gentleman. I don't want to take things too far or make her uncomfortable. We eventually have to break apart for a desperate need for oxygen. We're both panting.

I looked into her eyes. She's so beautiful. I'm truly a lucky man. I couldn't help myself, and I let my eyes wander over her entire figure. It might be pervy, but I can't help myself. She's gorgeous. I might have done it both subconsciously or by choice. I want to look at her and take all of her beauty in. I met her gaze again, and she was blushing. She's soo cute. I could stare into those brown eyes all day. They reminded me of chocolate. She then hid her face. I cupped her cheek with my hand.

"Hey what's wrong?"

"I'm not as beautiful as the other princesses. I feel like you should be with someone more pretty."

"I don't want any other princess Phoebe. I want you. I love you. You're the one I'm in love with. No other princess compares to you. You are the hottest, literally, and the one I want to be with."

"You mean it Finn?"

"I mean every single word I say. I'm in love with you."

"I'm in love with you too Finn."

I pulled her face closer to mine. I started to softly kiss her. It was passionate and filled with desire. She means everything to me. The kiss continued to build in passion, and she moved my hands down. I broke the kiss off.

"Are you okay with this? I don't want to do anything that will make you uncomfortable."

"I do Finn. I want you."

She crashed back into me. My hands started to move. My hands started to explore very curve and edge.

*Yeah. I'm not writing any further. I mean I could write more, but frankly I want this story to be for everyone. I don't want this story to be rated M, so this is the most you get. I have three words for you: Tier 15 baby.*

I was finally happy. I was ready to spend the rest of my life with her. I didn't want anyone else. I wanted only her. I felt at peace. I closed my eyes, and I fell into a deep, peaceful sleep. Phoebe curled around me, and I felt her lose consciousness. Her breathing slowed, and we were both at peace in each other's arms. My heart was filled. I didn't feel pain and longing. I felt the heat radiating off of her. I could feel her love burning for me. I knew this was truly meant to be.

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