The Plan

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Finn's POV:

I opened my eyes and looked around the dimly lit room. My head spun round in circles while I tried to let my blurry vision readjust. I continue to sit upright trying to grasp together pieces of thought into cohesive trains of thinking. Today was March 9th, a Monday, and five more days until my eighteenth birthday. I'm not going to let the weight of the rest of my life weigh me down today. I've got work to do, so I groggily moved over to Jake's room to wake him up.

I stirred Jake awake then while I let him wake himself up, I hopped in the shower. After I was changed for the day, I went into the kitchen to make breakfast. Today's breakfast wasn't great compared to yesterday's breakfast. Today, I'm making some simple oatmeal. It'll be good to give us some much needed energy. By the time Jake had dragged himself into the kitchen I was about done.

"Morning Jake. We're having Oatmeal today, just like mom used to make. Syrup is in the top cupboard and milk is in the fridge. If you want brown sugar it's on the table. Do you want any coffee this morning?"

"Yeah a cup of coffee sounds fantastic actually."

"Alrighty coming right up."

I gave Jake his bowl, then I started a pot of coffee. I sat down and put some brown sugar in my oatmeal as well as some milk to cool it down. We ate in silence. We were both waking up, and Jake's never been talkative or active in the morning. I got up and poured two cups of coffee.

"Any cream or sugar today?"

"Just two cubes please."

"Here you go, careful it's hot."

After both of us finished, I cleaned up all our mess while Jake gathered all the necessary supplies for today's expedition. Jake had the liberty of making a shopping list as well as a to-do list for both of us. Jake's goal was to pick up all the decorations and food for the party. My job was to make sure i get a reservation for my party, and put up flyers. By the time we had left the building it was already 10 am. We had both agreed to meet back here at 3 to pass out special invitations and put up flyers in all the various kingdoms.

I have just five short hours to get everything done. I don't think getting somewhere to rent is going to be particularly hard, but it is vital that I get it done, or else this is all a bust. I made my way to the Gum event center. Normally we would have hosted this is the candy castle, but Bubblegum had this put up in place just for parties. I talked with the attendant at the front desk about getting it rented out for my party. We needed the large ballroom, and I for sure lucked out. My birthday was yet to be rented out, as all the other days had almost been completely booked. We booked out the ballroom from 7pm-2am. THat was for sure plenty of time for the party to go. I filled out all the paperwork and legalities of property damage and such. After it was all done, I went to go hang up flyers around.

The plan for my birthday was to be a giant dance party. That way I could dance with the ladies and get 0ne-on-one time with a lot of them. It gives me more than plenty of opportunities to meet people, and say if for some reason I'm not feeling it, I can just dance and have a blast for my birthday just being myself.

I continued to hang up flyers all around. The flyers were nothing too fancy. They had a date, time, and place. They read:

"Come join the two heroes of Ooo as they celebrate the eighteenth birthday of Ooo's one and only, Finn the Human! Come to the grand ballroom of the Gum event center located in the Candy City from 7pm to 2 am on March 14th. Make sure you're ready to dance your socks off. Food and drinks will be provided."

I was honestly hoping that a lot of people will show up, so the party isn't a gigantic flop. Both Jake and I are putting a lot of money into this party, so I would hope it goes well. I was pretty hesitant to spend this much on a party, but Jake was very insistent. He would do anything for me, and I am questioning my entire purpose and existence, so I can't blame him for trying if the party even has a chance of helping me.

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