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Finn's POV

Is this what the great beyond looks like? I expected it to be all white with people with halos and harps. I expected things to be plated in gold and perfect. This was the last thing I expected things to look like. Everything looks exactly like my penthouse. If I was to be in a house, I at least would expect to be in the treehouse. That's the place where I've spent so much of my life, that would make the most sense. Why am I even here? Also why does my head hurt so much? I expected I wouldn't feel any pain. I wanted to make the pain go away. This is just peachy.

I can barely move my head. My neck feels so stiff. I can't move my arms or legs. That's strange, why can't I barely move? I peer down my body with immense pain, and I find that someone has tied me down. I strain to break the rope, but it doesn't even move. This is definitely my ideal scenario. My head aches and I'm tied down with no sign of escaping. How could today get any worse? It seems like everything is going my way. I wanted to make everything go away! I wanted to leave. I just... just wanted the pain to finally stop. I wanted everything to just... stop. I wanted Phoebe to be happy with someone who won't ever break her heart. This wasn't supposed to happen.

"Hey Finn. Buddy it's okay. I'm here. You're okay."

"Jake? Jake, is that you? What are you doing here? Why are you here?!"

"Finn, buddy, calm down. It's going to be all okay."

"No it's not Jake. Everything is all jacked up, and it's all my fault. I wanted to make the pain stop Jake. I just wanted it to stop. I didn't want to cause anyone any more misery."

"Finn, calm down. You're lucky that I was coming over to visit. You would've been roadkill. You're pretty lucky that I caught you. Why were you on the roof? Where's Phoebe?

"Jake, I... I.... I lo-lost her. She's gone. She left Jake! She's gone, and she's never coming back. It's all my fault. I can't live without her Jake! If she's gone then what do I have left? I have nothing Jake. I am nothing without her."

*Jake slaps Finn*

"Bro, what the heck man? Why the freak did you hit me?!"

"I have to get you to snap out of it Finn. I can't talk you down."

"Jake just let me go. Please, just let me go."

"NO! You're a danger to yourself now. You're going to stay tied up until we sort all of this out. Finn, I can't lose you. You're my brother man. If I lost you then I don't know. I mayhave a family, but you're my family as well."

"Jake, I didn't even think about that."

"Jermain and you, and I are the only family we've had. We were the three brothers. We may have our lives, but we are family. We can't lose you. Ooo can't lose you. No one would know what to do without you Finn."

"Everyone would move on with their lives! No one needs me Jake! You have a family. You have a purpose. You have a meaning to live. Look at me Jake. What do I have? I have nothing."

"What would mom say if she was still alive Finn? What would mom say Finn?"

"... Uhh..."

"Answer me Finn! How would mom react if she saw you like this. Mom and Dad loved you Finn. We were a family Finn. What went so wrong, that you forgot about family? Where has Finn gone? Where is he? Where is my brother? How did you get so far gone?"

"I don't know where he is Jake. I don't know..."

I felt the hot tears pour from my eyes. I didn't want to be vulnerable. I couldn't show my weakness, but I'm broken. I need some help. I need Jake; I can't keep the truth from him. He's my bro, and it looks like I broke his dog heart. Jake won't be around forever. He's a dog, and I'll live longer than he ever will. He's already past 40; I need to make our time together count. I can't live with him disappointed in me. He needs his brother just as much as I need him.

"Jake, it's a long story. I'm in a really bad headspace right now. Everything is just messed up, and I don't know how to fix any of it. My life is in pieces, and no one is around to help me pick them up."

"Finn, you aren't alone. You have so many people who care about you. It might not help much, but I want to help you pick up those pieces. We'll go one by one. We'll eventually get you back to regular, old Finn. Actually, not regular Finn, but our Finn. You don't have to be who you were. You can be you. You don't have to be the hero that saves the day. We all make mistakes Finn. Let's fix them together, as brothers. Will you join me Finn?"

"You know damn well that I won't leave my brother hanging. Let's pull this together! First, untie me, then let's get started."

Jake finally untied me. I felt better. I stretched out my limbs to get the blood flowing properly. I was a little stiff, but that couldn't stop me. I was broken, and I have to accept that. I have been for so long. I just never realized that I was. I had to find out for myself. Now I have to fix myself, but I have help. I couldn't ask for anyone better than Jake to help me along. I need to be better before I can get Phoebe back.

"Well Jake, let's get started. I couldn't ask for a better brother. I love you man."

"I love you too bro. Let's get started."

*switch to no one's POV*

The two walked onto the balcony. The two watched the sun rise. They had talked through most of the night. The two adventurers would start this brand new day with each other. They were brothers again. It had been rough between them, but they were going to become closer than ever. This was a new beginning for Finn, whether he knew it or not, it was going to be a hard and long ride, but he was ready for anything.

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