Coming Home

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Flame princess's POV:

Oranges and pinks lit up the fire kingdom in a beautiful glow. The fire kingdom was quite sublime during the sunset. Everyone around the kingdom finished their millings about, and were ready to go home. The farmer's market stands were being closed up for the nights The overall feel of the kingdom was a peace of routine. Everyone was ready for the day to wrap up, so they could start a new day tomorrow.

Everyone was in a peaceful mood as the day wrapped. Well almost everyone, there was only one person who wasn't in a great mood. In fact he was the complete opposite, and in a lot of stress. That person was none other than the temporary Flame king; Cinnamon Bun. He had to make sure every citizen's needs were filled. Any and all problems that the citizens had, he had to solve. Normally someone would hate to have this job, but through some odd circumstance Cinnamon Bun still enjoyed his work. Yes he was always moving. and meeting deadlines, but he had chosen this fate. Who else would have filled in the Queen's place while she was off on a rap career? He knew what he was doing, and not to brag; he had been doing it pretty well for the past six months.

Thankfully the day was coming to an end. He was just finishing hearing some random citizen's complaints on how a streetlight was dimmer than all the others. He half-heartedly made a comment about seeing into it getting fixed. He put another note in his book of complaints. Another list of things to be made perfect for tomorrow. He was more than ready to retire to his room, and call it a day. He told the guards to start closing up the throne room. Little did Cinnamon Bun know that he had one more visitor.

I trudged through the fire kingdom. Glob my feet are killing me. Why did I decide to walk everywhere? How did Finn even do it? I just want to go home and sleep. I've been away from home for too long, and honestly I don't even know if it was worth it. The rap tour I did went amazingly, but it was excruciating. I went place-to-place doing rap battles around Ooo. Did I win every single one? Of course, I'm amazing, but that doesn't mean it takes a toll on you. One reason I'm glad it's done is because it means NEPTR is gone. As much as I love the little guy, I know robots are not the best company for me. He always made the sickest beats, but you grow tired of the guy. Hope he goes on to do great things.

Honestly, I'm ready to go back to being the Fire Queen. I do miss my citizens and their petty complaints. I guess it's a life you grow accustomed to. I'm ready to relieve Cinnamon Bun of his duties. The place isn't a mess, so it looks like he's kept everything in working order. I look up to the throne; I see he's already fast asleep on the throne. I guess he got too tired to go to his room.

It was very sweet of him to take over for me. I know A relative of mine could have done it, but they are all evil, so he was the best option. I walked up to the throne and lightly tapped Cinnamon Bun on the shoulder. He woke up with a start, and I saw the panic and terror written all over his face. He quickly recovered and embraced me in a hug that lasted for a bit too long. A nice welcome for sure, but I still think he isn't fully baked all the way. Oh well, he's quite endearing all the same.

He was very excited to see me. He talked on and on about his ruling troubles while we walked up to my chambers. I nodded my head while his words went in one ear and out the ear. As much as I like the guy, and want to relay all my adventures of rap battling and travelling Ooo, I am not having tonight. My legs are just so heavy. By the time I reached my chambers I told Cinnamon Bun that I would catch up with him tomorrow, but I am just butt tired. He nodded respectfully and wished me good night.

I closed the door behind him and locked it. I dragged myself to my dresser, and threw off all my clothes. As much as I don't want to change into something, I need to for decency. I flopped into bed and tried to relax. I don't know why I decided that I would not want to use transportation to get around. Maybe something in my head of being humble and travelling like all the people decided for me. Whatever possessed me to travel by foot has led me here. I walked to every battle which meant I had to walk halfway across Ooo to get back home. It took nearly three days of straight walking to get here.

I lied in bed wondering about everyone else. I don't even know what's happened in the past six months. What have I missed? So much changed after the great battle, that keeping track of everyone got difficult. I have been gone for six months, and everyone's lives have probably changed drastically. A lot can change with or without you. I definitely missed being here, but did anyone miss me? Obviously my citizens, but there's more to life than just my kingdom.

Take a look at Bonnibel. She's devoted her entire life to her kingdom. There's more to life than just your kingdom, and unfortunately I don't have a life outside this kingdom. Perhaps she's done more after the war, but I wouldn't know.

I continued to let my mind wander. Then A thought crept in my mind: Finn the human. I wonder what he's been up to this whole time? I haven't seen him in a while; I remember his sick treehouse got destroyed by Golb's minions. Hopefully He's doing okay. I wonder if he's moved on to someone else? I wonder if he's single?

I know we'll never date again because we're friends now, and Finn's too righteous to break friendship bonds to pursue a relationship with me again. Besides why would he want to date me? He was pretty cute, and he could have any girl in Ooo he wanted. Any girl would dream of dating him. We were a thing and it ended, but the fact that he's not mine does fill me with a bit of loss and regret. Yes, I dumped him, and yes he broke my heart and trust, but you can't help but regret the past a bit.

Finn was the only guy who has ever loved me. He wasn't in love with me any more. He's not trying to come back into my life. He matured and we made our amends, but I do miss him more than I should.

I don't have time to ponder on this stupid romantic endeavor. We had our shot, and it's over now. No matter how much I might still like him, I have a kingdom to run again. I just have to push these feelings aside, and hope that they are just me being homesick. I want to forget this feeling of loss. Hopefully I will by tomorrow.

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