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Finn's POV

"These last six months have passed faster than I would have imagined. It's been a hard journey, but there have been people to help me along. I tried to take my own life six months ago. I finally feel comfortable in my own skin. I accept what my life is, and what options I have to do. I really have a life to live because of Jake. Without Jake I wouldn't even be alive. I guess he gave me a second chance at life. For that, thank you Jake, thank you Jake for being the best bro I could have ever imagined. Also thank you to everyone who is here because you guys were also steps for me being back to a healthy mindset. I'll be honest, it wasn't easy. Everyday I'd wake up and want to end it all. Existence was pain. I felt alone and afraid. Now, I find myself cured. It wasn't for someone constantly trying to make me feel better. Jake helped me heal by being real to me. He told me the truth. He told me I screwed up, but that's in the past now. Tomorrow is a bright new day, and everyday we can work harder to get to a better, healthier life. Thank you."

I stepped off of the small stage. Everyone at the small party stood up and applauded. Today was one of the good ones. Jake had planned a party to celebrate my success. He told me that I deserved a party to celebrate my success. We had worked hard to heal my broken life and mind. Jake and I had succeeded, and I am ready now for anything that comes my way. Life just doesn't end, it keeps going, which means I have to keep going with it.

I walk past several people and give them my best smile. I greet people warmly and catch up on what's gone by. I greet PB. She seems even happier than Jake today. She was the one who told me I had depression. She told me that it was okay to be sad. She helped me understand what I had, so I had a way to get over it. You have to know what you're fighting in order to beat it. She congratulated me on my success. She was truly proud of me. Marceline was there as well. It was good seeing her. I hadn't seen her in who knows how long. She lightly punched my arm and congratulated me as well. Time had matured us both, but she was still classic Marceline.

The next two hours seemed to fly by. It was constant smiles and handshakes. It was all fun, but I'm glad that it was finally over. PB even brought some cupcakes because she had developed a hobby of baking. The party was the perfect thing to start this next stage of my life with. It was the thing I needed to wrap all my hard work up with a bow on top. I guess the only thing that was missing was Phoebe. I didn't blame her for not showing up to the party. I still loved and cared for her immensely, but I have prepared to be without her. I understand why she wouldn't want to be with me again. I had hurt her immensely, and she deserves happiness, even if that means without me in her life.

Even if she deserves a life without me causing her pain, that doesn't mean I'm going to give up. I've always been a little stubborn. Just because I'm mature enough to accept her absence, doesn't mean I won't try. I've always fought to keep her. I messed up, even if I was drugged, and I don't deserve her after hurting her twice. Both times were me betraying her trust. She had trusted me both times. The fact that she trusted me enough to date me again was a big step. Trust is different from love. People can learn to love you again and forgive you. Trust is a lot different. You have to earn that shit back, and oftentimes you don't have the chance to earn it back. Maybe if I did it once, I can do it again. It's worth a shot.

After helping Jake clean up the party, he headed home. We said our goodbyes, and ended in a brotherly hug. It was still the middle of the afternoon, so I had the rest of the day to myself. I decided that I had one more shot, and I was not going to let it slip by. I was going to seize this moment, and go apologize to Phoebe... again. I did apologize to her for part of my healing, but she didn't really say much. She told me thank you, and told me that she would need time to herself. I understood; I let her be, and we went our separate ways. I'm guessing she's been ruling the fire kingdom. She is the Flame Queen after all. She wouldn't just abandon her duties.

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