Together again?

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Finn's POV

Phoebe was lying next to me. Both of us were on my bed. No words were said between the two of us. We both stayed in that exact spot lost in each other's gaze. I felt the tension between us slowly build up. In just a few moments, the tension could be cut like butter. I could feel the heat radiating off of her. I have been waiting for this for over a year.

I don't know why my heart aches so much. Everyday it feels like my heart is in constant pain. It's just an unsettling feeling, like I can never sit still. It wants something, and for the longest time I never quite knew what it was. When I fought monsters, the pain went away. I thought that keeping evil away would cure the pain. The only problem was the pain came back every time. It was the itch that I could never scratch. It almost drove me to madness on some days. Right now, I can't feel anything. All I feel is the heat from Phoebe. It's a feeling of peace and serenity when I'm with her. I don't feel that pain, the longing. It's a feeling I could live in forever.

Our faces were slowly growing closer together. Before we met, I stopped her. "Phoebe, I love you. Honestly, I could spend forever with you. Would you be my girlfriend again? We could try again and hope this works out like it's supposed to."

"Of course Finn. I've been waiting for you to finally ask."

This was a dream come true. The girl of my dreams is now my girlfriend. She's not anyone else's. She's mine. The tension between us had been released. We were both breathing normally. The air between us felt refreshing and new. She slowly started to lean in. I started to lean in as well. I could feel her breathing heavily. I closed my eyes, and I waited for the amazing feeling of her lips on mine. For the feeling of butterflies that filled up my entire system. The feeling that scrambled my brain, and made my knees weak. I was waiting for that sweet release of dopamine to my brain.

I was there waiting for her to finally reach me and kiss me. I was waiting for the feeling to come. Unfortunately, the feeling never came. I never felt her lips on mine. I opened my eyes to see what the problem was. When I opened my eyes, all I saw was darkness. I realized I had been dreaming. All of that was a dream! I felt such loss. Never before has my heart been played like that before. I was so sure that was real. I wish with all my heart that it can be true. I can't let her slip through my fingertips again.

Luckily, I do have a chance to make this possible. She agreed to my second date. I'm sure that this is a sign. I'm sure that she'll agree to be my girlfriend. I don't see why she wouldn't want to be my girlfriend. After all, she has kissed me a bunch. That's got to mean something. What else would it mean? I mean we literally were making out like any other of the couples at movie night. If she doesn't want to be my girlfriend, then women are truly the most confusing creatures in existence.

Well, I guess I have to wait until Friday to confess my feelings for her. Right now, all we have done is want to try again. We haven't told each other our true feelings. I guess we're technically dating because we had gone on one date, and we have scheduled another date. We weren't boyfriend and girlfriend. We are still exes who hopefully have feelings for each other. I definitely have feelings for her. I'm sure that I want her if she's straight up showing up in my dreams. I don't even hope for her having feelings for me. I don't just want her to have feelings for me. I need her to have feelings for me. I feel love with every fiber of my being. My soul feels incomplete without her.

Fast forward to Friday

This was it. Today was the day. I had psyched myself up for today. I both mentally and physically prepared the best I can for this. I have to hope for the best tonight because I'm not sure what I'm going to do if she doesn't say yes. It seems silly and pathetic seeing how worked up I am for a girl. But she's not just any girl, She is Phoebe, the Flame Queen, and she's my dream girl. I have nothing left except her. Everyone else is gone, and all that is left is her. She's my last and only hope for purpose. I braved the Lich and however many monsters I've defeated before. I beat all of them before; I can do this.

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