Letting Go

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Oh and a note here. SAD WARNING.

Finn's POV

One minute I was asleep, and now my life feels like it's falling apart. I'm at a loss for words right now. Everything was going great yesterday, and now look at where I am. Phoebe's face is still burned into my memory. She didn't slap me, or even yell at me. She did nothing to me; that's the problem. I want her to yell at me. I want her to get even with me. I want her to get mad. I want her to explode and do something. Her face of shock and betrayal will forever be burned into my memory. She trusted me and look at where that got me. I'm single again, or at least I suppose I am. Phoebe didn't tell me it was over.

I did technically cheat on her. I mean, whether I did so intentionally or unintentionally, I cheated on her. I broke her trust. I definitely broke her heart. There's no doubt in my mind that I broke whatever bond we reformed together. All my hard work to get her back wasted. She didn't even tell me anything. Her face showed me everything. She saw me, and she stood there, dumbfounded. Her loss of words matched mine. She left after I woke up. She made eye contact with me, and then she left me.

The worst part is that this isn't inference. I saw it in her. I don't have to guess that it's over. I don't have to guess that I broke her heart worse than I did the first time. I saw everything in those eyes of hers. I said those eyes would be the death of me; I didn't think it would be so literal. I saw the depth of melancholy within her eyes. Something so deep, that it could rival the depth of the oceans themselves. I lost the girl of my dreams. She was my everything. I don't know what I'm going to do. All I have left is me. I have no one else. I am alone.

I considered doing this differently, but this is the easiest way. No one will know. I can leave, and no one will miss me. Everyone has a life now. I was the one left behind. I finally had everything I wanted, but I had to screw it up. I could blame this on Chris, but what would be the point? If I truly loved Phoebe then I would have resisted; I wouldn't have betrayed her trust. If I loved her then this wouldn't have happened. Everyone I've ever cared about is gone. I am alone.

I look over the ledge, it's a long way down. It'll end once I hit the bottom. I won't have to make anyone suffer any longer. Everyone can move along with their lives. No one has to ever care about Finn the human again. No one will have me meddling in their lives anymore. Everyone has changed with the times, but have I? People change, but I don't. I tried my best; it wasn't good enough.

I look at the ring in my hand. It was a rose gold setting with a ruby in the middle. I was going to propose to Phoebe. She was my everything. She was the reason why I kept going. She gave me purpose. She filled the void in my life. The pain I felt went away when I was with her. It was an infinity ring style. It was beautiful just like her. It signified our never ending love. It matched her so well. I wanted nothing else then to call her mine... forever. We were supposed to be together forever. It seemed like everything in the universe was pushing us together, like it was written in the stars. I'm apparently so good at screwing things up, that I can screw up fate. I am somehow able to ruin something that's meant to be. I won't be able to screw up anything any longer. No one will have to worry about poor-old Finn any longer.

I put the ring in my pocket with the note. When people find my body, they'll find the note and ring. I wrote the note for everyone, but for Phoebe specifically. She can keep the ring as a reminder of me. Maybe I don't want her to have the ring because I'll leave my screw up with her. I don't want her to have to remember my screw up. I can't cause her any more pain. I'll be gone, so I can't cause her any more pain. She can't know I was going to marry her. She can't know, but she should have the ring. I should leave it as my final apology, so that's what I'm going to do.

I look over the ledge again. It's such a long way down. Today's pretty foggy, and I can't even see the bottom. I don't feel fear. I almost feel calm. This is my final act of help for Ooo. No one will ever have to care about Finn. He will be gone. He won't meddle anymore. Everyone will be happier without Finn meddling. I inch closer to the edge. I can now see the horizon. The sun is so beautiful. It burns bright for everyone to enjoy. Its beauty is also dangerous. Phoebe is my sun. She brings light to my life. She keeps me happy. She has so much power and beauty. She's beautiful yet dangerous. She's my dream woman, but I had to ruin it.

I hope you find happiness Phoebe. I hope someone can make you truly happy. I hope someone won't ever screw things up. I hope a guy will make you as happy as you made me happy. I hope he lights up each and every day. I hope you'll always be smiling around him. I want you to find your soul mate. Someone you can make you giggle until your cheeks turn red. You should feel only joy and happiness. Someone should appreciate all of your beauty. Phoebe, I hope you find your dream guy.

My time has come to an end. Maybe the Lich should have finished me off all those years ago. It was a fun time, but all good things must come to an end.

"I'm sorry Phoebe. I love you, so I'm letting you go."

I jumped. I closed my eyes, and I felt the rush of wind flowing past my face. I finally felt at peace with myself. I embraced peace, and I let go.

*Switch to no POV*

Finn was so busy enjoying his fall that he failed to see the orange mass moving towards him. His eyes were closed, so he never saw it coming. Maybe it was luck or maybe it wasn't, but he passed out. I guess he thought he was dead when Jake caught him. He might have thought he hit the ground. He passed out, so he'll never know who caught him. He was back in his penthouse, lying on his bed. He wondered why he wasn't in the great beyond. He saw Jake beside him. Words cannot truly describe how Finn felt in that exact moment.

If you ever feel lost, don't hesitate to ask for help. Suicide should never be the answer. People won't be happier because you're gone. Seek help if you're ever in that dark place.

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