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Finn's POV

*Jump to five years after the last chapter*

The sun is streaming through my window, lighting up the entire room in a warm yellow glow. Today is going to be a great day, I can just feel it. I woke up at the regular time of 6:30. Even after all these years, I will always wake up bright and early. I always hated this routine, but it's the only way to maximize every single day. Plus, waking up early lets me enjoy the sunrise or what's left of it. The sun usually beats me awake, but I will always be there to watch its rise into the sky. I enjoy the sun not because its light or warmth, but because of its meaning to me: Phoebe. It is one of the only reminders of Phoebe. She was my sunshine, the light of my life, and she brought joy into every day.

I often will look at the ring I bought to propose to her. It's laced with sadness, but it is my symbol for a better life. I haven't seen Phoebe in almost five years. She wanted time, and she wanted me to live, not survive. I have to say that truly, I have fulfilled her request. I have done everything she wanted; my only option now is to wait until she is ready. Maybe, she will never be ready. Perhaps, she moved on to someone else, that she was ready to accept my apology and move on. I don't know what fate has befallen her, but my best choice is to keep my hopes high. I have made a life for myself, and if so be it, I'm content to live this life, even without her. Phoebe wanted time; I needed peace, so I have made peace with whatever happens.

Too bad I can't stay here forever in my own thoughts, I have a job to get to. I have a class at 7:45, and I hate to be late. I need the kids to have a full experience. The only reason they won't is their lack of pursuit, not my absence. I have had this ideal where you should be the only one accountable for your actions. I guess that came from my multiple failures in life. I've always been the one to never accept responsibility. I wouldn't say I'm necessarily a blamer, but I often deflect responsibility. I just don't accept failure that well. My attempted suicide stemmed from my lack of accepting failure. I couldn't accept my loss of Phoebe, so I decided to end it rather than face it. That was definitely the darkest time of my life; however, I feel I have recovered.

I pull up to the gym. It's usually a pretty short drive over here. Despite it being pretty early in the morning, the place has a decent number of people. I guess some people want to get their exercise done before the day starts. It is a 24 hour gym, so who am I to judge when people come to workout. I come in here pretty late because it's less crowded, so I guess everyone has their reasons. I walk to the one of the several workout rooms on the side of the gym. I had these rooms specifically put in, so I could teach classes. It's almost class time, and I can tell today's class is going to be a good one. This is usually my favorite class time to teach. Everyone is fresh, especially me, and it's usually the older kids who come this early. Today we're going to start using swords, which are of course, my favorite.

(I hate to do this, but this is going to be a long one, so we're going to switch perspectives in the middle of the chapter.)

Phoebe's POV

Today is going to be the day. I can feel that today is going to be the day I have the strength to do it. I have been trying to do this for the past month, but chickened out every time. Today's not going to be like that. Today I'm going to walk back up to Finn. Today I'm going to ask him to be in my life again. I think I've had enough time without him. The days have felt bland and monotonous without his presence.

I often find myself day-dreaming of him bursting through my door to beg me to take him back. I often almost wish Finn was like that. That he would come back on his knees begging, pleading, doing everything just to have me back. I feel it could be every girl's dream to have a guy head-over-heels in love with them. I feel most girls want that perfect guy for them, a prince charming if you will. Everyone wants the perfect person for them. Everyone wants to find their soulmate so desperately. Everyone needs the kind of love that is beyond physical. The deep, spiritual love that all hearts yearn for. Fortunately for me, I believe I found my soulmate, but I pushed him so far away that he hasn't spoken to me for almost five years. Perhaps, he no longer loves me, but I doubt that is the case. Knowing Finn, he probably thinks about me everyday, but respects me enough to respect my wishes.

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